Dear readers and authors,
December issue of Scarlet Leaf Review (on line issue) is live. I can finally breathe! It took about twenty-eight hours of work but… It is here. Weebly didn’t like me at all this time – if you see a big photo, for instance, just ignore. The site kept changing everything. Of course, if there’s any error – for instance a different title than the title you chose – let me know. I caught a few like this but my sight is just a bit blurry right now and I might have missed a few. Just three more hours, and I have been working for 24 uninterrupted hours, so some mistakes might appear. As always, a huge thank you goes to all the authors who have contributed to this issue as well as the authors featured in the past issues. Because of you, the site has already had 1,592,438 hits since January 15, 2016, with 85,627 between November 15 and December 15, 2017. Thank you again. Don’t forget, if you hover with your mouse over DEC 2017, you find the drop-down menu, showing poems, short-stories and nonfiction. If you want to read the work of a specific author, click on the author’s name, on the right hand of the page under categories. Have fun! Take your time and read them all! Roxana Nastase Editor in Chief