Good Morning Dear Readers,
As always, at 4:30 am Eastern Time, the new issue of Scarlet Leaf Review is live. You will be surprised: lots of good pieces, intrigue, volatile emotions await you at every turn. You will also be surprised because there are fewer poems featured than what you can normally find. The explanation is simple: I forgot about May! I scheduled pieces for June but not for May. When I noticed my error, I went back and rescheduled but... I upset the balance. I promise you more next time. We want to thank you, our readers, and also you, the authors featured in the pages of this review. Between April 15 and May 14, inclusively, there have been 94,884 hits on the magazine! Don't forget: if you hover with your mouse over MAY 2017, a drop-down menu will appear and you can choose: poems, short-stories or non-fiction. On the right hand of each page, there are categories. If you want to read the work of a specific author, you can find the author's name under categories. Click on the name and.... voila! You're exactly where you want to be. Have fun! On June 1st, as previously announced, the first issue of the magazine in print will be live. As mentioned, the pieces featured in print will not be in on line.