Chrissie is much travelled and has lived and worked in several countries. She gained her degrees in Psychology at USC and worked with recovering addicts in the LA area for four years. She now lives on the South Coast of England where she writes. Chrissie has been published by Ariel Chart, Bournemouth Borough Council, Plum Tree Books, Mad Swirl, Anti Heroin Chic, Dead Snakes, and other publishers of poetry. Her articles appear in Novel Masters, Democracy Now and other newspapers. For David I drank your adoration, it made me glow
in truth, I was used to being the golden girl you liked my dresses more than my sister's I was chosen for your team, football or hide go seek we'd meet at school in the woods and kiss just like at home in the shrubbery or the den always together, you saved me for yourself and I wanted for no one, no other friend, though I had them You loved my long, long, thick hair hanging heavy my contrasting dark eyelashes enthralled you you sheltered me from the rain and warmed me Your family moved away while I was ill in hospital, how could they do that? I look for you still