Christopher Barnes’ first collection LOVEBITES is published by Chanticleer. Each year he reads at Poetry Scotland’s Callender Poetry Weekend. He also writes art criticism which has been published in Peel and Combustus magazines. FestivalAngels of tat Blink at our guru an hour. Recklessness in loose tongues Is curtailed. Insight duties no verve Nor sermons. A junk-grimed spoon Feigns lustre by the candle. Cloud-ClimbingLuridly chrome-tint The speedboat-driving octopus Is kiss-blown on the forehead By each tragedian In our guru’s aura. We’ve unbuilt the mind’s shadows, Dizzy from hearkening oversouls – Gunk On the engine of the universe. Tonguing SpittleOur guru ticktacks eyes In the Pete Burns doll. Run-out-of-time sundown. I airscape him Fluttering with gopis. We blubber, mystify, Culting for juju lips To halo the sky. Imaginary RainThe mushroom cloud bomb Engravened with nylon fuzz, Roosts on his aquarium. Our guru’s rigor Gambles by humouring senses. We backlog anxiety For peace. Stilling BacchusOur guru, thresholding from wine bars,
Slurs his doodads inducing cheer. That shoplifted My Little Pony, Raging to be eyeballed, Crash dives off a pizza box. Hopelessness owns my physical body Reshaped by nous.