![]() Ram loves to write- be it fiction or nonfiction. He loves life and explores the material, philosophical and spiritual aspects of life through his poems. He believes that there is more to life than ‘earning, acquiring and losing’. He believes that the natural state of man is joy and all our efforts to acquire and keep pace with others make us lose our joy. He hopes to capture the beauty of life through his poems. His poems have been published in a number of journals across the web. IS The IS-NOT cannot Define the IS. The WHAT-IF and IF-ONLY Are reactions Of an uncomprehending mind To the ways Of an ever flowing IS. The source-knowing, All-aware IS, Is forever moving forward, Back to its goal, Completing the cosmic dance Of an infinite, All containing ZERO. The WHAT-IF and IF-ONLY Jump on the bewildered mind, Showing it the possibilities Of the IS-NOT And push it forward, To question why, And break the boundaries Of the limiting self. And there- In that universal state- The consciousness discovers That there The IS-NOT is not And all that is Is just IS Envy Of all the words unspoken, And all the hearts it has broken, Of all the thoughts unthought, And all the pain it has brought, Of lover’s journey jarred, Or friendship’s passage barred, Of the countless battles fought, On this cursed thought, Of this cruel, mindless brute, Or its bitter, poisoned fruit, I shall only speak in vain, Truly it is the seed of pain. Long before man had learned to speak, Many a heart did it break; Now after a million years, It still harvests bloodied tears. Unthought, it is the killer seed, Unspoken, grows the strangling weed, Ever it stakes its claim for fame, Envy is its evil name. Doubt Did I?
Did I not? Thoughts play ping pong With the feeble mind. Did I switch the geyser off? Did I lock the door? Was the lamp burning Or did I switch it off? The train has started moving, Did I keep the jewel box In the almyrah? The tour guide Tells his story well "Welcome to the countryside Where hearts and spaces Are wide open". The question On my mind now: Did I leave the Fridge door open? Showing us the mud brick houses He declares: "No need for an ac there". Guess what doubt Is making me Hot under the collar now? Back at home, Unpacking done I sit down to have The much-needed tea Up pops the question: What did I give To the taxi driver: Three notes of hundred each Or three of five hundred?
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