Keith Burkholder has been published in Creative Juices, Sol Magazine, Trellis Magazine, Foliate Oak Literary Journal, New Delta Review, Poetry Quarterly, and Scarlet Leaf Review. He has a bachelor's degree in statistics with a minor in mathematics from SUNY at Buffalo (UB). A New Idea
Creativity abounds, He continues to write his short story, What is it about? Does it have true meaning? He continues with this creativity, He feels good inside, A sense of confidence takes over, He feels a new idea taking place, Creativity is hard to define, It has many dimensions, Dimensions with a concrete meaning, Or dimensions with an everlasting fate, This is his work, His livelihood, Writing is what defines who he is, For this is his belief, To create and to be published, Publication is really the goal, His main goal is to feel satisfied with his work, For this is now, The future is at his beckoning call, The future is really hard to define, Success has many meanings, Let this future carry forward, Let it define what can happen, For this is the new idea, Foster it, Let it grow, This is all one can do, Only realism can exist as his new idea takes form as its definition stands the test of time.