Joseph Goosey lives in Southern Pines, North Carolina. A dropout of the MFA program at George Mason University, he is the author of four chapbooks. I BOUGHT A NETI POT FOR WHICH TO FLUSH OUT YOUR SCENT Grief does what it can to clog the sinus Apologies for appearances It’s my driving what makes objects messy A combination of my driving and your recent turning to salt Last year I spent a shit load of energy on a child to whom I was no parent The ocean had an ending for us both Neither of us could know What's in the microwave for tonight and who plans to be sexy while it cooks I'm turning into a person who disgusts the people I'm around but remain comfortable in that kind of wind Whatever your child cried you sang to him Not every time but some of the times When you sang to your crying child I felt warm on his behalf Am I being held for questioning If so I am in a bitter mood Once released from questioning I will travel to the Raleigh arboretum to burn down the redwood You are symbol for what isn't Or at least what isn't any longer There is an H-Bomb in my memory and no respite in the lungs Your child told jokes about ghosts taking poops When I laughed I meant it When I did a lot of shit I meant it I suppose I still mean it but still feel so melon balled Little villages without food Grow in my carpet But when you're a flea there is always food so I will become a flea Feeding on blood is a funny thing to do Funny as the way in which I'm being treated as though I'm a receipt for your donuts How long can you continue to swim How long before the salt AMTRAK REMIX When I make my paintings I prefer not to have any buttons buttoned if you know what I mean, said some painter I met on a holiday train I nodded to indicate yes meaning always of course no. We were in the café cart, he for a personal frozen DiGirono and I for…I don’t remember. Back at my assigned seat I slept next to a woman who reminded me of Morgan Freeman whenever Morgan Freeman is cast as god in movies where god has to come down and intervene in one man’s life for a relatively trivial reason. In the morning she told me I didn’t sleep well, that I was shivering and she tried to keep me warm but I was twitching too, which made that difficult. I haven’t bee well, I told her. She gave me the same nod I gave to the painter and shut her eyes again either to go back where she came from, die, or ‘cause she had another eight hours (I originally said years) until Fort Lauderdale. PARTY HORNS The congestion shows its appreciation for the lungs while on New Years Eve I ingested a drug cocktail in an effort to reduce the images you’ve photocopied into my loins and off of my cornea A girl followed me home and I let her because am at once afraid and accommodating At some point there were dogs and I agreed to being someone I wasn’t then I realized I often agree to being someone I’m not Running around with a two children and a sled on very little snow You had a glass in hand when I met you I don’t know if that was a warning At the Days Inn or maybe the Best Western I don’t remember because we went to the wrong hotel first and I got angry in front of you, maybe for the first time You asked me to sleep in the other bed and again I acquiesced because again I am afraid, accommodating, doting, drooling, hardly even sentient I should have took that as a warning I took it as understanding instead Instead next time the effigy will take out more of the field SUMMARY People itch incessant. Over the weekend I took some ecstasy, got a seatbelt citation, said good day, said goodnight, said happy days are surely to arrive, bought a flea comb, bought flea medicine, bought people food, bought cat food, sniffed, swallowed, and spat, considered saying a lot of things from which I refrained, considered saying a lot from which I couldn’t refrain, sat by fire, scratched by the fire, vacuumed the carpet, vacuumed the perch, dreamt your presence, experienced your absence, cleaned the litter, scraped the litter, saw the moon, burnt a plank, pretended a finale, remembered arcades, imagined arcadia, avoided a get together, viewed unpleasant facts, remembered facts just as unpleasant, did a line of coke, danced to Ma & Pa after another line of coke, checked for fleas, lost a war, won a battle. BY THE GRILL WITH THE LANDLORD This poem should inhabit the worst world imaginable, go full regalia, and then exit safely. Having been ruined wholesale as a fidget I am unable to pay the court costs and must go before the trial of fire. Please hand me that toad in case certain things become reality. Heart breaking down: all those barriers. We’re taught to elicit confessions. Fleas leap from host to dream. Tonight I ate an allergy to be polite, go full regalia, and in sleep will regret whatever.