Fractured America A president was elected by a minority, persuading coal miners jobs would be coming back, who were so desperate they believed a liar because he sounded convincing. Many others fell for lies and many who were fooled still believe a liar and his corrupt cohorts, elected and appointed, too ignorant and indifferent to know the science of climate change, to know about economics, to recognize the gifts to the rich are thefts from the poor, also undermining the middle class. Our once promising country once known to the world as the land of opportunity is now beset on all sides by an array of enemies foreign and domestic, assaulting our security. Our leaders elected and appointed allow hatred to fester at home, dissension to provoke danger abroad. And the servants of power are happy, rewarded generously for betraying the people, so the lords of profit can feast while the rest of us worry for the future of our children. Victim of Technology Like many who grew up with earlier communications we have evolved and use Iphone, skype, other modern marvels. But unlike days past if we forget our personal device there are no more phone booths. Foreboding Another year ends and still the republic endures, hopefully for another year although perils abound, a leadership unconcerned with the dangers to the earth, taking money from our citizens and giving it to corporations, removing the American Dream from those who would enrich tomorrow. I grew up during the Cold War, lived with the madness of MAD, grateful for the miracle that we didn’t destroy each other. Now I see enemies everywhere, foreign and domestic, intent on our destruction, some more menacing than others. And I cannot contain my fear that many good people will suffer when those elected and appointed to tend the needs of the nation are too greedy, too stupid, too uncaring to fulfil responsibilities to serve all Americans, not just the lords of profit. Shortfall I do not know if the lords of profit know that lowering taxes on amoral corporations will mean insufficient funds for Medicare, Medicaid probably the military, so when our children struggle in poverty in a Chinese dominated world it will be no consolation that the one percent were too stupid to preserve our future. Machine Learning VI Millions of ‘bot’ accounts
impersonating real people roam social media platforms promoting commercial products, attacking political candidates and sowing discord. Their fake images and news are the envy of our leaders who still mostly mislead us manually.