EG Ted Davis is a poet living in Boise ID with work that has been published in various online and in print literary journals. It is my pathMy path can lead to right and/or wrong. It contains both good and evil, but I, as it's walker, have been given the independence to step between the two, the ability to decide. I can make it narrow or I can make it wide. I can make it curvy or I can make it straight . I can stay on it or I can step off, to its sides, each side lined with ditches. I can step into them, I can even stumble into them. I can stand at rest. I can even go backwards but not too far. No matter how I walk my path, It has a beginning- with birth, and an ending- with death. It is my path, and on it I must travel. Boise (of now and to come)What once was open spaces, are now crowded out by greed, what once was a lower cost of living, is now outrageous in taxation, what once was country quiet, is now intercity noise ridden, what once was one of the top five greatest places to reside in by polling, is now polled in the bottom five- as another Arizona or southern Californian overpopulated desert... and dare we call this Progress. CautionCaution your words,
for ugliness spoken can become your present reality. Caution your thoughts, for your imagination conjures good and evil- in the quietness of the your mind, which can hasten one's death. Caution for what you wish, for wishes do indeed come to pass. May the fruits of goodness overpower the shadow of darkness-that pulls from behind, dragging down your mind.
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