Barbara Gail Montero is a Professor of Philosophy at the City University of New York and former professional ballet dancer. Her 2016 book, Thought in Action: Expertise and the Conscious Mind (Oxford University Press), explores how the body and mind intertwine in highly skilled actions. The Eternal ReturnThe eternal return The idea that everything, Including your life Exactly as you have lived it, Will recur innumerably many times. Joys, Terrors, Terrors, Joys, Joys, Terrors, Sorrows, Endurance. There is beauty in that which is necessary. The future that beckons us With uncountably many lines of symmetry. Nietzsche and Woolf Walk into a BarWe know that if spacetime curved and Nietzsche and Woolf were to meet, they would dance. What more could a philosopher want than to be a good dancer? An Ideal, as well as an art. Profound knowledge Dancing, shaking, All alive, but controlled. If only God had learned it better. General Relativity and Quantum MechanicsGeneral relativity
a world of gently curved spacetime a seamlessly woven fabric warped by the massive objects that set our spiral galaxy in motion its articulation is legato its purview, the large, the stately, the sublime Quantum mechanics a world of discrete, jumpy, jagged events a discontinuous world of Heraclitean Becoming rather than Aristotelian Being its strings are plucked rather than bowed its purview, the very small—the nano, the pico General relativity’s language is geometry it rules over its four-dimensional spacetime manifold with absolute authority it is a game of skill. Quantum theory is a game of chance Its players, irresolute and unpredictable Outcomes, undecidable Whereas general relativity uses mathematics to describe a world beyond its equations the quantum universe is nothing more than equations its inhabitants, matrices probability amplitudes imaginary numbers