![]() Anoucheka Gangabissoon is a Primary School Educator in Mauritius. She writes poetry and short stories as hobby. She considers writing to be the meaning of her life as she has always been influenced by all the great writers and wishes to be, like them, immortalized in her words. Her works can be read on poetrysoup.com and she had also appeared in various literary magazines like SETU, Different Truths, Dissident Voice. She has also been published in Duane’s Poetree and also in an anthology for the Immagine and Poesia group. Her poems are often placed in free online contests. StrengthNaked, I felt liberated! Naked, I felt vulnerable! The arrows of rumors were aimed at me Grinning at me With an evil confidence Yet, I stood, Faced them Naked, liberated and vulnerable As would an angel Faced with demons As would purity Faced with malicious contempt As would faith Faced with the harshness of life! Do I even care about rumors Rumors, resounding loudly in my ears As do frogs' songs On a wet and clammy night When I sneak out to climb a peak All alone, merely to be able to enjoy silence, Silence mixed with sparkling stars Silence imbibed with the dampness of my beating heart Silence immersed with the hues of darkness Creating in me and around me A bubble in which I do hop in Excited at its intended destination! The arrows of rumors hit me And I smile at them Watching them disintegrate The moment they touch my skin! Pray, can rumors ever be mightier Than the innocence of Truth? My belief in myselfI trusted my belief in myself Until I was thrust on a new path! As I walked, I could not understand why Bells resounded in my soul Butterflies bubbled noisy in my heart Empty clouds filled up my thriving mind Bringing me to a state Where I only wanted to run And seek shelter there Where none would be Except the Lord of all Creations And all of His acolytes! But my path pulled me As if I was a hungry fish And it, a mere bait! My path pulled me As if I was withered vegetation And it, rainwater! It is common to be cautious But it becomes thrilling to be adventurous Heart heaving heavily I let go of my apprehensions And hopped on my new path Still armed with belief in myself! What is this all about Love? What is this all about love
Is it a mere attraction? Is it all about lusting? Is it about providing care? Or is it simply filling up A need, in us, rather Than in the one we claim to love! What is this all about love Do I merely write of it As I know it not? Do I speculate about it Because I am made of it? Pray, for me, love is a balloon To be, it needs to be blown To survive, it needs to fly, high above the ground And be admired, for its beautiful colors And attractiveness! Once it pops, everyone moves on Even if it remains, like life, a memory! But what is this about love So much coveted by the whole of humankind So much needed So much written about Sung about Speculated about When it remains a mere balloon Wanting to be imbibed with its own essence And allowed to fly, Free and unrestricted!
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