Bluebirds in Late WinterSurprising blue spirits descend transforming snow-covered fences. They search the snow for pieces of Spring to pull from sleepy ground. They carve spaces in the sky for her to enter. Flashes of red tuck under as Waxwings alight, all stern and masked They pluck berries Shift and bounce and disperse, Leaving the bluebirds To sing of Spring. Hoppy-Toads in the SummerHoppy-toads grow fat tucked behind cool gray stones and fragments of brick. A yellow bucket nestles there, waiting. Determined, I take up my bucket The white plastic handle Digging into my arm. I set out. I lift each rock carefully Disturbing the grass Unveiling worm and cricket. I search for them In the cool, dark places. The edge of the driveway No stone unturned But to no avail. I set my eyes on the Row of bricks beside our house. Finally, a fat one leaps But I am fast. I scoop him up and Plop! He squats into The corner of my bucket. Hoppy-toads like friends, I think, and search for him A mate. A companion. The third brick hides her. Plop! Into the bucket she goes. SaltI smell salt. Like the salt left in seashell stomachs that dries and sours in the back of your car. (Its dreams drying up in the absence of the sea...) I know the sea will heal me, shove new dreams new thoughts new truths into my pores, slam them into my eyes and ears until all I know is clarity, sweet sweet oblivion to anything else. Swallow me whole! Faeries need not fly forever, I am tired. HorizonThere is something
unquestionably strange about the horizon, always changing colors, shifting its edges. Someone is always On the other side Pulling it away. If I am lucky the lily pads will Welcome my soft steps, The waters will yield to my weight, The flowers will float aside And I will grab your fingers Before you vanish into the onward Bending of night. I wonder of a ball of fire… An orb so great No darkness could consume it, Yet your belly swallows it whole every eve.