Not a Strangerserendipity charted a course a friendly intervention two hearts unaware support, love, and acceptance from the moment their lives crossed paths richness, depth, and sincerity love gifted willingly freely offering peace voices echoing approval disbursing praise for the other from a distance far away the past, their connection shared struggles in different lives the same brokenness a bond of deep familiarity and understanding like tough, worn leather the two hearts grew their strength multiplied long ago hurts mended lost futures saved the present feeling meaningful Wounds and BarriersI took a knife to the heart. Love and ease disappeared. Joy, where did you go? Days, months, and years of intertwining, chaotic emotions. The fabric of my essence becoming scars. My emptiness, aching and loneliness turned to numb. A full-on stop to love. Layers of unrecognizable, uncaring fibers in my being. Too thick to penetrate. Too harsh to approach. Too done to heal. I don’t even cry anymore. WeatheredAs we spring into life,
the ambition, hope, and growth is fresh and new. Another start, a new participant brings excitement. Early on we frolic like the sun in the summer. Dancing enthusiastically. Embracing the freedom, seeking the possibilities, bravado in the ups and downs. Then life breaks us down. We fall and falter. Harder to rise to meet the day. So much given. Much taken away. Questioning - What's the use? Hearts get colder. Winter in our veins. Free and fruitful minds decline. Our youth gives way to old age. The strength lost over time. White and withered, our sentence. We came so far only to be beaten down by nature. The seasons, a symbol of rebirth, now a curse as we age.