Martin lives in Greenwood, SC, and is the founder of Love Lines from God. He is a freelance editor, English teacher, and author. He serves as Managing Editor for Christian Devotions and as an assistant editor for Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas. He is the author of five books and has been published in numerous publications. When You Came into My Life When you came into my life, My worries ran scared. You soothed away my cares And calmed my haunting fears. Our hearts are intertwined Like fingers hidden in a glove. Nothing can break passion’s grip Nor threaten our earnest love. I’m now lost inside of your love, Never to be found by another’s eye, Never to be caressed by another’s lips, Never to be held by another’s lie. We face each day with joy, Knowing our love will conquer all. We walk each mile in peace, Though bitter may be the gall. And when death shall close my eyes, And I your face no more behold, We’ll awaken in eternity together And walk on streets of gold. Walking in the Valley While walking in the valley With darkness all about, I only see the mountain’s Steep sides and ragged peaks. This valley, oh so deep-- The walls grasp for heaven. The mountain’s peaks, oh so high-- No tops my lonely eyes can peak. But, alas, not in but through This valley I traverse-- A Hand guides me gently through And over the formidable mass. Then, a different perspective Overtakes me and my foe; It becomes a thing of beauty-- What was once a burden so fair. Sunshine brightens my path, Shades of light begin to dawn, And I stand on the peak of eternity Crying “How Great Thou Art!” I Watched the ButterflyI watched the butterfly
Emerge from its shell of change, I wondered at the metamorphosis-- Once a caterpillar, now like a bird in the sky. I gazed upon each maneuver it made, Fluttering gently in the morning breeze. Like the restlessness of one driven by a dream, It flew from flower to tree, from flower to tree. Upon its wings the sun cast its rays, Enhancing the beauty once hidden from view. The wind carried it tranquilly along Like the gentle flowing melody of a song. Void of all care and concern, It glided slowly through each day-- No worries or troubles afflict its soul, No heartaches carried to the grave. Happiness was embedded upon its face, A song played by the stroke of each wing. No prettier sight could I ever behold As beauty seeped from its every pore. Until he gazed upon the man Who often lied and stole and harmed his kind. He saw so little kindness and peace-- though bound it was in his heart. Then wished he to return to his cocoon Where peace and joy and love abode, But chose instead to spread his wings of beauty and love And drop it on the ugliness below.