DAVID SUBACCHI POET ([email protected]) David Subacchi was born in Wales (UK) of Italian roots and has three published collections of poems. ‘First Cut’ (2012), ‘Hiding in Shadows’ (2014) and Not Really a Stranger (due in May 2016). His Blog is at http://www.writeoutloud.net/profiles/davidsubacchi JUST FOR YOU (RIP Leonard Cohen) We all knew someone who was half crazy And understood very well That was one reason why We wanted to be with them, But you dared to say it So we looked up and nodded. And it sounded like you were playing The same kind of cut price guitar Our parents bought for us, The nylon strings we could not Make sound like The Doors, But you made them sing. Then in the evening of our lives You returned, successful, bemused, We felt good and raised a glass, Wondered where those albums were, Winked at the kids, Googled the lyrics to remind us. This morning found us studying 'How Trump Won in Maps' When your news arrived, But tomorrow just for you We'll smile at each other Across our pillows.