![]() "Zachary M Hodson is a multi-genre artist based out of Kansas City, MO. Holding a B.S of Psychology with a minor in Creative Writing from the University of Central Missouri, he has spent the last decade focused equally on poetry, music and music/sports journalism. His writing has been featured in many print and online outlets, including but not limited to Euphony Journal, Leveler Poetry, The Literary Nest, Future’s Trading, Skidrow Penthouse, Royals Blue and The Deli Magazine. He can most often be found with a cold craft beer in hand and under (at least) one very fat snoring cat." the orange frogs she said people under forty only take one set of pictures to reduce excessive exposure to radiation she said the same reason old people are not full body scanned at the airport & why she wore a dosimeter she joked my future children [that i will never have] would thank me then they took three sets of me she smiled considerably less than when i was drinking tracer the words you have a mass in your right kidney ring first like an anvil clean and sharp at once more important than deadlines or dvr schedules or the sunset or other people eventually the dancing word bubbles are poached by zealous toddlers razing about your head the ones not yet euthanized by ritalin & you are left with the single word carcinoma suspended on the lip of every proceeding thought its the friend of the friend of nobody that invited itself to your party dropping two bags of funyuns and a half case of natty through your glass coffee table before drinking up your expensive craft beer & vomiting hummus all over the ping pong table in your basement its a completely useless arrangement of letters otherwise a bold faced unitasker the douchebag constantly correcting people’s grammar on twitter those words in that order were not what i was expecting was i supposed to feel something i have been taught my entire life to avoid that sort of thing & sure i had sometimes mused about a malady like this never a super deadly one mind you but something grand enough to hit the back splash i used to drape my hair over my face and faux cry on the trampoline at other people’s birthday parties i once shot turtles off a cliff with a water balloon launcher i tore up my mother’s pta awards when i got caught out past curfew i stole my father’s last pair of clean work socks i am as unstable as any other human beast but this is a weird way to get what was coming to me even now as i type hands elongated and pulsing i have never been so clueless as to what to feel am i the forgotten child left alone all night after a game of freeze tag following instructions till the bitter end someone should have done a head count before letting the bus leave so when presented with wait or learn or kill nonchalantly explained by the doctor i would later stalk online all choices withholding shades of grey & results strewn about both sides of the bell curve what do you do & how do you feel about it these are things no one taught us in health class i know i will eventually thaw probably even soon enough to realize there are times one has to shed a failing shell & sometimes it takes a bit of the good skin as well which is okay scars are what keep us from eating the orange frogs again worm food you are the devil the gluttonous sloth you wail at the bedroom wall calling for your dead mother the fourteen thousandth time as if she will suddenly appear and take you back at the teat you are a monster you eat macaroni and cheese with a fork you eat everything you sulk in the back nook like an obese white line on a blueprint the kind for which i don’t need a legend plain as the low creaks of dead winter you are a hag with nappy locks pickled by perspiration & flat arches that plead for your immediate death an unfortunate man child making snowmen in your front yard with mashed potato flakes having never tasted real snow let alone seen it you know santa claus is bullshit yet still write a letter each year for your mother’s sake you are a weathered face on the mountain the pilgrimage for a new generation of bloodletters wide eyed fledglings ripped on the fermented spittle with which you rape them those poor unfortunate souls vaping like high school science projects the least noble of gases compounding the most volatile of heavy metals quite convinced they are previously undiscovered elements they fiercely greet each other side to side in public seesawing compliments off each other like hand jobs moderately offended to not receive blow jobs in return they bellow your tenets with muddled gusto & this year’s boots firmly thrust up the ass of social responsibility as we good souls of the city dodge the white-out piles of shit they leave behind in your name you watch as they drink each other’s company until swollen and drunk beached upon the overflowing splendor they create in your name soon they will outgrow their motley shells and move into PBR tallboys i scowl from the back chilled shaken stirred pendulous in the november air i was invited to the party but given a different color wristband in my head i play out your wretched evening ritual that scorecard you keep of likes and follows and friends and connections i almost have my thousand can i have a cookie now as if you would ever give up a cookie to someone else i would plead for a chance one single legitimate chance you pig headed mother fucker remove the discriminating shade from my particular cell but your formula is unforgiving and absolute to you i have been made fictional i am a thigh gap a nah, i’m cool, but thanks anyway when offered another plate to the buffet i’m old enough to not give a shit about your opinion i’m young enough to almost believe that someday we will both be dead others will appoint themselves to our roles of self-entitlement but i guarantee the worms will say i taste better lost shade, volume v: malletbreath
there was the kettle drum who in another life would have been my fulminant lover consummating the timbre of a single soundwave to the big crunch i regret not her not her even in the slightest mind you truth is she is quite a landmine but what we could have done our serpentine trip to the middle would have been marvelous a triumphant parade to the tip top of the bell curve and holding decibels above the ho hum of my spying computer’s cooling fan of which to this day no one knows about but you so be cool yo i watched in pain as she finally gave up her life years of wasted breathing scratched very much within the lines on imported paper acrid twirls of colored pencil lead left to die in the creases of a merlot stained sofa the creamy under fluff of her militant feminist cat owned the various air currents occasionally allowing me an attempt to inhale the weight of the room also a callow bearded dreamer in the corner spoke thick flattery that felt just like all the four by six fuck you for submitting rejection cards i have stuffed into my favorite childhood lunchbox you see children before submittable we actually mailed stuff i have already mostly forgotten he was a thing after hours of scrubbing my name and image online this one has hurt the most of all so far id prefer to stop talking about it now