![]() I, Renee’ B. Drummond-Brown, am the wife of Cardell Nino Brown Sr. and from our union came Cardell Jr., Renee and Raven Brown. I am the offspring of Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. Drummond of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. My siblings are Delbert D. Drummond and the late Pastor Shawn C. Drummond. I was born in North Carolina, at Camp Lejeune US Naval Hospital. I am a graduate of Geneva College of Pennsylvania, and my love for creative writing is undoubtedly displayed through my very unique style of poetry, which is viewed globally. My poetry is inspired by God and Dr. Maya Angelou. Because of them I pledge this: “Still I write, I write, and I’ll write!” “Renee’s Poems with Wings are Words in Flight” is flown across the seas by God’s raven. There are several Scriptures that I love; however, this one speaks volumes during this ‘season’: “And he sent forth a raven, which went forth to and fro, until the waters were dried up from off the earth.” (Genesis 8:7 KJV) https://www.amazon.com/Renees-Poems-Wings-Words-Flight/dp/1490887946 https://www.amazon.com/Sold-Highest-Bidder-Renee%C2%92s-Flight/dp/1504968395 http://bookstore.authorhouse.com/Products/SKU-001068789/Sold-To-the-Highest-Bidder.aspx Still I Write (The Answer to: Dr. Maya Angelou’s “Still I Rise”) Maya, Of course they wrote you down in history, You proved them wrong in truth, But you planted for me calligraphy, So I’m heard on paper all the way to God’s celestial roof! My passion for writing does upset them, But I can’t be concerned, Cause you left for me a gift from God, And it’ll be forever writing that I yearn. Just like God’s Raven leaving the Ark, ‘She’ flew to and fro, Until the waters were dried up from off the earth, Because of you, I’ll forever write in the skies, seas and dirt; for certain this I do know. I was that broken soul, And bowed so low to Satan’s pit, With nowhere to get; but up, I allowed my pen to place me within God’s Script (ure). I know my writings excite you, And with God for you, who can be against us, in giving me that nod, I finally hear your words loud and clear, The poems you left behind are messages of truths, minus the facades. Some have shot my writings to pieces, While others have damaged me over time, But God; sends a ram in a bush, ink, a quill, and wrote for me Ecclesiastes 3 He Author’s the time and place with limited ‘seasons’ for their hurtful rhymes. From the shame you told me to write, I write, From the pain you told me to write, I write, I am that Raven Blackbird with a large wingspan, “Renee’s Poems With Wings Are Words In Flight”; flying all over God’s land, I too want to leave behind my unhealthy fears, So in the dark, I write, But in the light, I see the imagery our ancestors gave to you; which you passed onto me, Maya you are the dream, Barack Obama was the hope, and I am the slave set free (to write). Still I write, I write, I’ll write. Dedicated To: A Tribute to Dr. Maya Angelou muddy waters black as ‘da’ night negro’s colour of the day iconic blues ol’ as dirt mosquito ‘an’ bees sway to rhythm ‘n’ rhyme rustic blues feel ‘da’ beat ‘n’ tune gnats own rural towns cotton plantations urban vibes ‘keepin’ ‘dem’ swampy puddles alive mississippi’s definitely on my mind no! ray sang georgia but why? ‘i’z’ feels like ‘goin’ home chess’ cat knows ‘da’ deal chicago’s turn Be ‘fo’ real ‘cuz’ back in ‘da’ day northern ‘mudd’ ‘i’z’ where you got played dedicated to: wade I (still) Do We met On the street After dropping them keys I picked up For you Our eyes Fell asleep Deadlocked Refusing to drop ‘Luv’ at ‘MY’ first sight ‘Daze’ went by, years, ‘an’ O’ ‘Dem’ semi-precious nights We laughed, cried, fussed and literally Fought a good fight I did my best To select a white dress While you didn’t know it You passed Mr. Right’s test Even saw the ring 2 Karats Meant the world to me Yeah ‘everythang’ Including clarity But something??? Just Wasn’t Quite Right I noticed You never stayed Full nights ‘An’ I never met family Foe nor friends Something just ‘wazant’ right ??? Then Reality Shattered all dreams As she walked down the isle To my man ‘Wit’ a smile Wearing My dress and ring And I still wanted to say I Do Ever so badly To the unknown man I met on ‘dem’ streets That would be you I still do Dedicated To: Drifting on a memory Who Are We? I don’t know us anymore Has time re-written our lies Do we not speak Of truths Yet Rely on blind guides The poetic scribes Tell tales O’ Seasons For all time Don’t know us anymore No heart beat Nada rhythm Nor rhyme Just texting’s left As Zombies silently cry Who are we? I don’t know anymore. Dedicated To: The Unknown Success On bottom No one seems to care. When you rise They ‘ALL’ WATCH ‘an’ glare On top They love, love, love ‘dat’ black skin house, car, clothes ‘An’ ‘ev’n’ ‘dat’ nappy bald hair! But when you drop, My Lord… Not…family, foe, nor friend Will be left standing there But God… I know ‘dat’ I know YOU’LL BE THERE!!! dedicated to: Standing above ground and I’m on top of the world mom!
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