Heist at the Art MuseumDan and Leo approached what appeared to be a Victorian style designed building with patterns of golden lines running through the roof edges. There was a maroon painted body encompassing each of the walls. Both of them were in police uniforms, though they walked at a hurried pace and looked around the streets surrounding them. They approached the doors and pressed the buzzer.
“Good evening. We are with the local police department, and we are responding to a disturbance within this building,” Leo said into the speaker. Inside the building, the security guard buzzed them into the museum. When Leo and Dan entered the building, they found that it was decorated and filled with many beautifully designed portraits. The interior was neatly kept with a few red velvet rope barriers in front of each painting. They approached the guard’s position at the front desk entrance. “You disabled the security cameras and motion sensors, right?” Dan asked the guard. “Not a single one of them is still active,” the security guard said. “Good, now you remember the plan, right?” “Right.” The guard produced a roll of duct tape and handed it over to the tall police officer. As if by sheer instinct, the policeman tied the guard with the roll of duct tape. “By the way,” The security guard said. “They recently installed silent-” But before the guard could finish his sentence, he was silenced with duct tape over his mouth. The two officers escorted the tied-up guard over to the bathroom and placed him inside one of the stalls. The officers approached the portraits on the wall, eyeing each and every one of them as if they were sizing hogs up for slaughter. They smiled brightly now that they had their eyes on the paintings that they had planned so hard to get. “Jackpot?” Leo asked. “Jackpot,” Dan said. “Commence removal?” “Commence removal.” “Stop asking questions?” “Please do.” “Okay.” They removed a whole manner of paintings from the walls, such as self-portraits of famous artists, contemporary pieces, and many more artistic styles than they could count. Dan smashed and tore apart the frames around the paintings. “Shouldn’t we cut the painting out of frames, like in the movies?” Leo asked. “Nah, it would take too much time,” Dan said. After a moment of deliberation, Leo decided to do the same as well. “I can’t believe our three weeks of planning and prepping paid off,” Leo said. “Have I ever let you down?” Dan asked. “Well, you did get us caught for carjacking after you smashed the car window with a sledgehammer.” “But now we are professional thieves.” “This is our first heist.” Dan stops smashing the paintings and gives a sigh. “That’s why it pays to bribe the security guard,” Dan said. “Fair point,” Leo said. The both of them go back to smashing frames and ripping paintings out with their bare hands. “So, what are you going to use the money for when we finally pawn these things off?” Leo asked. “Honestly, I’m just going to hang some of these on the wall of my house for when some of my visiting pals come over,” Dan said. “Don’t you think people would get just a little bit suspicious, Dan?” “Leo, my good man, I’ll just say that I got them at a pawn shop for a reasonable price.” “Okay, that’s actually a pretty decent alibi, but what will you do with your side of the profits?” “To be honest with you, I’m going use the money to buy myself a sweet new house. Nothing too fancy.” “Sounds good and all, but what will you say when someone asks you how you bought it?” “I haven’t figured out an alibi for that one, ironically enough.” “Well I hope you come up with one soon because it’s both our necks on the line.” “Don’t worry, I’m sure it’ll come to me eventually.” “It better come quick, because we are pulling a world class heist here.” “Isn’t this place just a local art museum?” “It may not be the Louvre, but it’s the best we’ve got.” They rolled the paintings up and put as many they could carry underneath their armpits, unaware that they just ruined incredible art by doing this. The two art thieves made their way to the doors with their ill-gotten gains, all the while, stumbling over the remains of the painting frames. “Thanks for helping us out, Marv!” Dan said. “Shh, would you keep your voice down?” Leo asked. “Oh, come on, like anyone is going to be around at this hour.” As they opened the door, they were greeted by the sound of wailing sirens, flashing lights, and the boys in blue surrounding them in a wide perimeter. The thieves dropped the paintings instinctively as the real policeman surround them. “They recently installed silent alarm sensors, didn’t they?” Leo asked. “Without a doubt in my mind,” Dan said. The officers closed in on the perpetrators as they raised their hands and got on their knees. “We’re going to jail, aren’t we?” Dan asked. “No, Dan, we’re going to the carnival. Of course we’re going jail!” Leo said. Both of the robbers were handcuffed and led to one of the police cars. “Hey, Leo,” Dan said. “What is it, Dan?” Leo asked. “I’ll bet you fifty dollars we end up sharing the same cell together,” Dan said. “Make it a hundred, and you got yourself a deal,” Leo said with a smirk.