Joshua O’Brien is a Writer/Voice Actor who specializes in comedy, action, adventure, sci-fi, and fantasy. He is currently pursuing a BFA in Creative Writing from Full Sail University. He has been published in the Scarlet Leaf Review. He is a member of the IGDA and is looking to become a member of SAG-AFTRA. He has taken classes in both game design and creative writing. You can contact him on any of the following platforms: Facebook - Joshua O’Brien Twitter - @JoshuaPOBrien Instagram - joshuapobrien LinkedIn - Joshua O’Brien GMail - [email protected] Preparation“This the place?” asked Jay. “Yeah this is it. Just park over there by that light post,” said Sarah from the back seat. It was early in the morning. The fresh dew from the night before covered the grass and trees making them shine in the daylight. The sun had just begun to rise and there wasn’t a cloud in the sky. There was a low hanging mist that floated above the ground. Sarah and Jay were the only people in the parking lot this early. Jay turned off the car and tied his shoes while Sarah got out of the car to stretch. “Man, this sucks. I was really hoping that we wouldn’t have to do this ever again. But here we are, in the middle of an empty parking lot at seven in the fucking morning,” said Sarah, talking to Jay through the passenger side window. “You can thank dad for that. Makes one, two, maybe thirty bets with people he shouldn’t be betting with and BOOM, instant debt.” “He owes us big time, Jay. I was really starting to enjoy a normal life for once,” Sarah said, getting in the back of the car. “Speaking of, how’s Henry? I haven’t seen him in a while. You two doing alright?” Jay put on these black biker gloves with the words “FUCK CARS” written across the knuckles. “He’s alright. Got drunk and tried to put his hands on me the other day, so I had to teach him how dumb that was by smashing his head into the counter. He apologized when he was sober and said that it would never happen again. So we’re good. How’s Sasha?” “She left me. Said I was too protective or some shit.” “The hell does that mean?” “Beats me. Guy was looking at her funny so I walked over and broke his arm. I guess that makes me ‘too aggressive’ or something.” “That sucks,” Sarah put her hand on Jay’s shoulder trying to act sincere. “If it makes you feel any better, if we weren’t related and stuff, I’d fuck ya.” Jay laughed. “Thanks sis. Oh, before I forget. Try not to kill anyone this time. Last job you ended up killing the entire bank staff.” Jay took out his pistol to check if it was loaded. “Hey, it’s not my fault. The clerk had it coming, going for the alarm when I specifically told her to stay there and not move. Dumb bitch.” Sarah started to assemble her submachine gun and took out her pistols to clean. “And I get that. It would just make my life a whole lot easier if there weren’t any bodies to maneuver around. Get me?” Jay took out his shotgun and loaded it, one shell at a time. “Yeah yeah, I gotcha I gotcha. Speaking of killing people, are you going to be able to make it to the Christmas party? We’re throwing it at my place this year and mom needs to know how much wine she needs to buy.” “If everything here goes smoothly, then yeah, I should be good. How many people are coming this year?” “Let's see, there's you and me of course. Mom and dad, Henry can’t come, Vinni, Joey, Clara, Tony--” “Wait, Tony’s gonna be there? I thought he got locked up for assaulting some dickhead.” Jay took out his ski mask and set it on the dashboard. “He was going to trial for it, but the only witness ‘disappeared’ a day before the trial. If you know what I mean” “Good for him. He wouldn’t make it in prison anyway. Too skinny.” Jay opened his door and looked back at his sister. “You ready?” Sarah looked at him with a big smile as she cocked her SMG. “Ready.” Jay nodded and got out of the car. The two of them started to walk across the parking lot toward the bank. “You know, for someone who doesn’t want to be here doing this, you sure do look happy to be back in the game,” Jay said, grinning. “What can I say? Normal is nice and all, but it just aint my style. Too boring. Ya know?” The two looked at each other and laughed as they opened up the doors to the bank and donned their ski masks. Sarah fired a few rounds into the ceiling. “Everybody, on the ground! This is a stick up!”