![]() Autumn Olsen is a creative writer who spends her free time with family, deepening her faith, and volunteering as a media assistant at a local ministry. She discovered her passion for creative writing while creating scripts for sketches that were performed at her previous youth ministry located in Jacksonville Florida. Follow her on Twitter @Autumn3597. BLESSINGS IN DISGUISE
“Let’s go, I need to leave for my interview,” shouted Jude. “I’m coming, you act like we're getting evicted,” replied Nevaeh. “I know we aren't, but if I don’t pay our rent, we will be, so get in the car.” They got in the car, and Nevaeh’s dad started it up, as they headed to their destination. “How do you know if your’re even gonna get this Job?” “Can’t you just have some faith and believe in God that I will?” “Faith? How can I have faith when we barely have any food? Mom left us, plus you haven’t gotten a job from your past four interviews.” “Look, I know we’ve been in a tight spot lately, but God has always been a way maker for us in our past struggles, so just have some hope.” “Whatever.” As they approached the turn on, Sara Lee Boulevard, that leads to, Mount Valley Real Estate, they realized it was blocked off, so they switched paths, and took the long route. “Of course it’s blocked off. Why wouldn’t it be?” she said “I still have twenty minutes; hopefully, I can still make it.” Fifteen minutes passed, and they were two minutes away. As they reached the parking lot, Jude bust open the door and ran to the building. He had gotten to the doors, but they were locked, for he was too late. “Ugh, not again.” He walked back to the car, and got in. “I missed it, but maybe this just wasn’t the right one.” Nevaeh said nothing, as she looked out the car window with a blank face. “Tell you what, you hungry? I got about seventy five dollars left. How about we get some groceries from Hy-Vee?” “Alright.” They left for Hy-Vee and arrived ten minutes later. They entered the store. “This is a stick up!” said a guy on a bullhorn. A man at every register stepped out of line, pointed a gun at the cashiers with one hand, and held open a bag with the other. Before Jude and Nevaeh could escape, there were men blocking all the exits. Could my life get any worse? “What do we do now?” asked Nevaeh. “Get on the ground and pray!” replied Jude. “Really, pray? I think I’ll just get on the ground.” “I’ll do it then,” he said. Why God why? He prayed as they got on the ground and waited for the robbery to be over. “Put your money in their bags!” the man said to the cashiers. They did as he said. A woman on the ground took out her phone, and without being noticed, she texted her father, who is the head of the police department. Her father responded and alerted his team of the situation, as well as the location. Minutes later, the sound of sirens are heard in the distance. The robbers automatically sprinted to the back doors and exited the premises, but before the leader of it all could escape, his mask slipped off for a second, and Nevaeh got a glimpse of his appearance. “Dad, I saw what the robber on the bullhorn looked like!” said Nevaeh. “Are you serious? That’s great! Let’s try and get a hold of the police once they arrive, so you can tell them his appearance,” replied Jude. Seconds later the police arrived, yet they noticed the thieves had escaped. They checked on everybody to make sure no one's injured, while the chief made an announcement on the intercom. “Attention customers, interviews for the appearance of any of the thieves will be held up front! A seven thousand dollar reward will be given to whoever can give us an accurate description of one of the robbers!” Some customers lined up one by one, each making up descriptions, trying to get some money in their pockets. After most of them were done giving the chief fake explanations, Nevaeh approached him. “Hello, officer. I would like to let you know that before one of the thieves left the building, his mask slipped off for moment, so I was actually able to get a glance at his face.” “Perfect. Would you mind telling our sketch artist, so we can run it through our database, for facial recognition?” “Of course, he had an oval shaped head and orange hair with thick orange eyebrows, as well as a scruffy beard. He also had a stubby nose, yet thin lips. His ears were kind've pointy, and his eyes were green, but he had this scar above his left eyebrow that was the shape of a crescent moon.” As soon as she finished the thieves description, the sketch artist was done, and he showed her the picture. “That’s him!” They ran the sketch through their database, and minutes later, they had a match. Immediately, they used their devices to track his cell phone in order to find his location and hopefully the other criminals as well. “Thanks for the information, young lady. You will be notified once the thief is arrested, and will receive a check from the state soon after. ” “Thank you so much. God bless you!” “We can finally pay our rent!’’ said Jude, as his eyes filled with tears. “I know right, plus we can fill our fridge!” They exited the store and drove home. When they reached their house, they entered and turned on the TV. The news was on, and it was in the middle of breaking news. “There was a major accident today on Sara Lee Boulevard that occurred at 2:00 p.m. Many vehicles skidded into a twenty car pileup. In other news, Mount Valley Real Estate has been participating in corporate fraud. The owner and his employees will be sentenced to prison,” said the reporter. “Oh my God! We would have died, if we were able to take that turn earlier,” said Jude. “And you could’ve worked for criminals if you would’ve been hired by that company! God really does come through for us,” said Nevaeh.