Kevin Otto is a veteran with eight years in the armed forces and he has a MFA in Film Producing. He is also at Full Sail University for a Maters in Creative Writing. He is an active and trains in several forms of martial arts. He loves to write and is always willing to help others. twitter handle @KevinGotto Snap, Snap Boom. Alec wipes the blood-soaked sand from his face and spits the grit out of his mouth. Four cars parked, abandoned. Guns, bullet casings, and blood litter the dusty landscape. The bloody dead bodies are dressed in fine suits and dress shoes. He grabs a pistol and checks the magazine. A cloud of dust is roaring towards the man.
A voice crackled from a radio. “Alec, are you there?” Alec grabs the radio near him. “Alec, here. Who is this?” he asks. “Alec, why the hell are you out there with Damion?” The dust cloud uncovers a car speeding towards Alec. “I’m here. As soon as the car gets close jump in.” “But, who are you?” he asks. An echo over Alec face snaps him back to his current situation. Alec moves around to a black sedan. “Hey, Alec. How many times do I have to shoot you before you die?” A voice asks. “Damion, why do you suck so bad at shooting?” “Shut up Alec. Just shut the hell up.” Alec moves around the car and looks for Damion. Another snap over his head as he tries to move around. Alec right hand clenches and beads of sweat drip from his forehead. “Come one Alec. Don’t be an idiot. We can still take down the family.” Alec moves to the opposite side of the car. He lays on his belly with his gun in both hands. Another man is moving around between other cars. The feet of this man are moving around quick and with no reasonable organization. Alec moves his body under the car. “Hey, Damion?” The man’s feet stop. “What Alec?” “Do you remember Cela?” “Cela? The girl in Reno?” “Yeah.” “What about her?” Alec moves further under the car. “She loved me Damion.” “Yeah, so?” Alec envelopes his entire frame under the car. “Why did you take her from me?” The distant unknown man walks over to another car. Damion, I see you. Damion is in the open now. He looks around with rapid movement and blurs his visons. “She loved me too Alec.” “No, she didn’t.” An echo from under Alec’s car. Damion right foot snaps back and Damion lands face first on the ground. “Alec, what’s that sound. Are there still more of Damion’s men alive?” the radio says. Damion screaming loudly as a small pool of blood forms around his shoe. “Alright Alec! Alright! Just, go.” The roaring of an engine approaches. Alec moves erratically out of under the car with his gun still drawn. He stands up and walks to the car now close by. He walks to the door. Blood sprays the front of the wind shield and Alec turns around. “Your dead Alec. Your dead!” Alec’s breathing is erratic and heavy. He points his gun. Another snap over his head and his should is thrown to the side of the car door. “We were brother Alec. You and me, but no! That bitch took your heart and stole your soul.” Alec collapses to the ground. Damion hobbles over to Alec. Alec grabs for his gun, but Damion steps on his hand. Alec gives a right hook to Damion but misses. Damion lowers his gun to Alec head. “Boom, Alec. Good bye- “ Damion is thrown backwards. A person grabs Alec and shoves him into the car. The person gets back into the driver spot and slams on the gas. Alec looks up and smiles. “Cela, what took you so fucking long?”. Alec clenches his teeth. “I told him to eat a dick,”. Cela says pointing to her gun. Alec looks. It’s a twelve-gauge pump action shot gun with the name Richard chiseled on it. Alec smiles at Cela.” I knew I loved you for a reason.”