Complicated Get-Away Ornate, glass museum doors, slammed shut behind them. “Hurry up, get in the car,” said Travis. Motioning his partner Joey toward the black Jeep. Each man carried a nondescript mailing tube full of precious art work.
Joey pumped his arms in excitement and jumped around like a kid. “Man, we got away scot-free.” A huge grin across his face, crooked teeth accompanied a crooked nose. “Joey, stop talking loud and reckless. We’re away when we’ve got our money and we’re far away from here. Let’s load these up and go.” Joey snorted, and side eyed Travis who’s halfway across the street. “Hey, while you’re over there talking trash why don’t you get our benefactor,” Joey air quoted with his fingers, “on the line.” A high-pitched ring pierced the air, the wailing alarm startled the men. Joey fumbled his mailing tube, they clattered and rolled across the gravel. “Joey, get the art let’s go!” Travis whisper-shouted at Joey who’s chasing his tube down in the middle of the road. The alarm wasn’t loud enough to disguise the unmistakable sound of police sirens in the distance. Travis swore, fumbling in his pocket for his keys and ran toward the trunk. Hurriedly pressing the trunk release on the keys, he threw the mail tube in and swiveled to see what Joey was doing. Joey ran the last couple of feet and tossed his tube in with the other. Travis slammed the trunk down and ran to the driver’s side. He slid behind the wheel, impatiently waiting for Joey. As soon as he shut the door, Travis swerved out of his parking space and down the road. “Hey, Joey, get Mr. Shumer on the phone. Tell him, we’re on our way,” said Travis. “Yea ok, whatever you-” the sound of screeching tires and police sirens, stopped Joey mid-sentence. Joey anxious, scanned the rear-view mirror, looking for the cop car. Red and blue lights illuminate the inky dark-blue night and jumped around on the ground and surrounding cars. The police car lurched around the corner, screeching brakes and a bullhorn blared behind them. “This is the police, pull over now! We will have you surrounded,” said an officer out of his window. “Okay, we’ll deal with this instead. HANG UP, Joey. Go to the GPS map a route for our back up get-away car. We need to lose these coppers,” said Travis. A swift right down a narrow alley, jostled Joey head first into the dashboard. Joey groaned, cupping his hands around his head. Travis swore. “See this, is why I always ‘nag’ you about your seat belt. What if you broke your neck, or what if you were knocked out, then I have to navigate and lose the police. GET IT TOGETHER.” Joey gave him a look that would burn through steel. Rubbing his forehead one more time sullen, pulled his belt around clicking it in before pulling up the GPS. “Alright make a left at Maple Dr. straight ahead.” Joey peered into the rear windshield the cop car had gotten further and further away. “If I can still see him, he can still see us, hurry up and lose him already,” said Joey whining. Travis eyed the rear-view, Joey’s right, he needed to lose them quick. It’s not quite Maple Dr. but it would have to do. Travis made a sudden left, and almost hit a town car that went in the other direction. He checked the rear view no cop, but it wouldn’t have taken long for the cop after only one turn. Travis made a sharp right, earning a melee of sharp horns and yelling. “Alright, where to now?” “A left at the next light, then an immediate right.” “Okay, I think after that we should be good as long as we get to the next car before that cop catches up.” “Yeah, good thing you wanted to stash the car near-by.” “Yeah, you mean good thing I didn’t listen to you.” Travis swerved left through a red light. Cars approaching in the intersection skid to a halt, and barely stopped in time. Travis came to a two-way intersection, “This must be the right, and I see the car, go ahead and call Shumer now and let him know we’re on our way,” said Travis. Joey exited navigation, dialing the contact, then waited for Shumer on the other end. The line went to voicemail. “Hey, you know who it is, we got, uh you know, and we’re ready to make the drop. Call us back, we need to do this tonight.” Joey hung up, looking at Travis out the side of his eyes, head down, waiting for the impending explosion. “Son of a WH-” said Travis. The screeching halt of brakes and tires censored the rest of his words. Parked haphazardly next to a black sedan, non-descript, fast and safe. Travis slammed the door shut, making his way to the trunk, with the intention of grabbing the art. “Hey Joey, do something useful and get the trunk open.” Joey shook his head in the front seat, and swore under his breath, Travis was the most agitating partner. It would all be over soon, and they would go their separate ways. Joey reached into the glove compartment and got the keys. Reaching for his phone while opening the trunk, Joey tried to get Shumer on the line one more time. Shumer answered on the second ring. “Yeah, I got your message, I’m on my way, where are you?” asked Shumer. “We’re still too close to the heat, lets meet at the halfway point we set up before, we’ll be there in twenty.” Travis walked up snatched the phone and said, “You better have our stuff.” They got in the car and pulled off. The ride was short, they pulled into the empty abandoned warehouse lot, parking next to Shumer. Joey got the art and Travis met Shumer and counted their money. Shumer inspected the art smiled and said, “Here is the money, and your passports. Have a nice life boys.”
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