![]() I’m English from the county of Yorkshire but moved to Spain in the year 2000. My writing career began after meeting other published author’s here on the Costa del Sol. My novels follow the adventures of Detective David Fallon - Dragon - The Korean Connection - The Buddha in Ice and The Bankers. As a matter of interest the wrap around front covers were designed by me! Stories from the Bar are a collection of short stories. The Little Home on Wheels was the first. The story begins in Spain in places I have visited and know well. Other short stories include The Writer - The Student - The Letter - Age of Innocence. CHAPTER 1 A Villa in Southern Spain Pablo waived goodbye to his friends as they departed the Villa. It had been a good birthday party with an entertainer and a bouncy castle thrown in for good measure to keep his guests occupied. It was September but still the sun was shining making it just warm enough to play in the pool, at least for a while. In the summer months the party would have gone on late into the night and even the next morning but tomorrow was a school day. His mother watched her son from the door of the villa and shook her head. At ten years old he was already as tall as she was. He would be six feet at least by the time he reaches sixteen she decided. With that shock of black hair and brooding good looks it was going to be hard work keeping the Senoritas at bay. ‘Just like his grandfather!’ she thought smiling. Pablo noticed his mother and waived ‘I’m coming mama’ he shouted just remembering she wanted to talk to him; but first he needed a drink he decided, dashing off to the kitchen. Maria waited until her son was seated opposite before she began her story. Placed on the table between them was a guitar case. It was charred and warped but Pablo could not take his eyes off it. ‘Is this really grandpapa’s guitar mama?’ he asked almost reverently. ‘Yes Pablo it is the very one’ she answered solemnly. ‘But grandpapa never lets anyone touch it. We only see it once a year at the family gathering in the restaurant’ It was a grand occasion with family and friends arriving from all over Spain, even as far as the Costa Blanca, where his grandfather had once lived. He had never really understood the reason for the party but that didn’t matter. He would be hugged by his aunties and warmly shaken by the hand by his uncles. His nieces would kiss him on the cheek or on the lips if they could get away with it. The party would last until dawn but that didn’t matter in July. There would be much wine drunk and solemn speeches made. The toast was always ‘to Henrietta!’ He had asked on more than one occasion who this Henrietta was but the answer had always been the same ‘when you are ten years old Pablo I will tell you the story of Henrietta’ his mother had promised. There was entertainment in the form of a local band but the highlight of the evening was his grandfather. It was always the same. Manuel would walk onto the stage at exactly ten o’clock. The shouting and laughter would suddenly stop as the guests took their seats. His grandfather would reverently take the guitar from its charred case and begin to play. In a word it was magical. By the time he had finished the tears where flowing freely and not just with the ladies. ‘May I take the guitar out of the case mama?’ he asked cautiously. ‘Yes Pablo you may. One day it will belong to you’ she told him. ‘But what will grandpapa play at the party?’ he asked confused. Maria just smiled at her son’s innocence ‘your grandpapa has bequeathed the guitar to you in his Will Pablo’ ‘In his Will? I don’t understand’ he asked even more confused. Then it dawned on him ‘but that means grandpapa will be dead’ he almost shouted angrily. The idea that his beloved grandfather would one-day die was unthinkable. ‘Calm yourself Pablo. With God’s will he will live a long life’ she told him ‘that’s if his wife doesn’t kill him with kindness and everything else’ she thought to herself trying not to smile. Pablo carefully opened the case and touched the guitar’s strings. It seemed to hum and come alive. He drew his hand away quickly and closed the lid again. Questions where already forming in his mind but there was one thing he needed to know ‘why is the case all blistered mama?’ ‘I will come to that shortly but you are now ten years old and as promised I will tell you the story of Henrietta’ ‘At last’ Pablo said to himself sitting back in his chair and yawning. ‘Henrietta is your grand mama. She is my mother’ Maria began and at the same time producing a large framed photograph. Pablo was confused for a moment then suddenly realised the woman with his grandfather couldn’t be his real grandmother as he had seen them married when he was six years old. ‘Maybe I should start at the beginning Pablo but don’t worry if you think you have missed something it is all in my book’ she said pointing to a row of novels on the book shelf. Pablo looked at the books. He had never been allowed to touch them let alone read them but now he was being given permission to take as many as he liked. This was all too much. ALICANTE – SPAIN 1965 The restaurant was again busy with tourists much to the annoyance of the local people but they couldn’t argue. This was after all a holiday destination for the British and German tourists. Fortunately, the restaurant was a little out of town so the clientele was a little more appreciative of the excellent food. That however didn’t stop them consuming copious amounts of cheap wine the locals considered no better than vinegar. Manuel would work in his father’s restaurant most evenings collecting plates or sweeping the floor. Today however was his tenth birthday so he had been allowed to play with his friends all day. His father had told him earlier that a famous musician would be playing in the restaurant tonight and he would be allowed to stay up until late. Manuel and his family had been given a table as close to the stage as possible. At school he had been given music lessons and allowed to play on the school’s piano, but the guitar was by far his favourite and preferred musical instrument. His father greeted the famous musician and offered him a drink of wine ‘my thanks Senor but maybe later after I have performed’ he suggested. The performance was everything Manuel had hoped it would be. He watched fascinated as the guitarist fingers effortlessly flew up and down the strings. It was classical flamenco at its best. At the finish he was the first out of his seat clapping loudly. What happened next he would remember for the rest of his life. The famous musician approached him ‘young man would you like to take care of my guitar while I have a drink with your father?’ Manuel could only nod his head as he took hold of the precious instrument. It was an opportunity too good to miss. When he thought no one was watching he mimicked the musician’s fingers and pretended he was on the stage. He was so engrossed in his daydream he didn’t see him return with his father. He was just about to scold his son for being careless with such a precious instrument, but the famous musician stopped him ‘please do not scold him it was all my fault. I think your son has an ambition to play the guitar am I correct?’ he asked turning to Manuel. ‘Yes sir!’ he responded immediately. ‘In that case I will show you four chords. If you master them by the time I return from eating your father’s delicious food, then I promise to teach you how to play’ Manuel practised the chords for half an hour. He found it simple, too simple he decided. At school his music teacher had described him as a natural. Until know he had no idea what that meant. He pictured a sheet of music in his head and decided to try and copy the score. He was so engrossed in the playing he did not see his father and the musician return. In fact, the whole restaurant had stopped talking and was listening to a young man playing an instrument he had only touched an hour ago. Manuel stood up embarrassed as they applauded him. The famous musician would keep his promise. CHAPTER 2 THE COSTA DEL SOL – 10 years later. A RESTAURANT WITH A VIEW. Manuel relaxed in a chair and gazed at the vista in front of him. He had visited the restaurant in the hills many times but still sat in wonder at the scene. The Mediterranean Sea sparkled as the sun began to set over the mountains to the West. Pleasure boats from the nearby marinas would be making for home after a day’s fishing or dropping off a party of tourists mostly well inebriated by now he thought. He could make out the coast of Africa on the horizon. It was by far his favourite restaurant not just for the cuisine or the view, but because it was where he had first met his wife. THE RESTAURANT – 4 YEARS EARLIER The concert had been advertised for weeks. ‘Manuel Fernandez will be playing some of his most popular recordings’ it had proudly announced ‘There would also be a Flamenco performance by a well-known local dancer’ Henrietta had booked a table the moment she saw the notice displayed on the notice board. In fact, all her dance group did the same. It would be a perfect night out for the girls they decided. The restaurants owners had allowed the dance group to practise on the stage during the day and when it was closed during the week. The evening would be one, none of them would forget. There was however one problem. The flamenco dancer had been involved in a car accident the day before and would not be able to perform. It was disappointing but at least the famous Manuel Fernandez had arrived. In fact, he had not only arrived but was being introduced to the dance troupe by the owner. Henrietta was so mesmerised by the man with his dark brooding good looks she was unaware she was agreeing to dance for him. The realisation of what she had just agreed to struck home and she screamed loudly. It was too late, all her friends where rushing about talking wildly and laughing. Henrietta was being dragged away to get ready for her performance. Manuel watched her being ushered away and smiled. ‘She is a very attractive woman, is she married?’ he asked the owner. ‘Henrietta? No she is not married’ the owner answered a little intrigued by the question. It was no secret the famous young musician had escorted some of the most beautiful women in the world not just Spain. Manuel began his performance. It did not matter if he was on the stage of a small restaurant or the Albert Hall in London, he would give it his best. He would never forget the first time he listened to another guitarist on his father’s stage. When it was time for the flamenco performance he announced to a disappointed audience that the local dancer could not make it, however another local dancer has agreed to take her place. The dance troupe had done a magnificent job in making sure their star performer was dressed for the occasion. Henrietta took the stage in darkness and waited for the spotlight. When it did, even the well-travelled Manuel had an intake of breath. Dressed in a tight, figure hugging red flamenco dress she was the epitome of grace and elegance. But could she dance? Manuel began to play unable to take his eyes away and wondered why after all the beautiful women he had met over the past few years he had just fallen in love with a local girl from a small village in the mountains of Malaga? Henrietta had practised the flamenco dance many times but this was her first live performance. It was exquisite with a standing ovation at the finish. Manuel waited until the end of the night to approach her but to his disappointment she had already left for home. The dance troupe was all too willing to provide directions to where she lived. THE NEXT MORNING Henrietta’s father stumbled out of bed and cursed the person ringing the bell at his front door. His job as a porter in a local hotel meant many late nights and sleeping late into the morning was not unusual. He flung open the front door and cursed again as the morning sun blinded him ‘who in the name of Christ is waking up a working man at this time in the morning’ Manuel apologised but asked if Henrietta was available. ‘And who may I ask is calling?’ the father asked sarcastically staring at the man on the doorstep, who looked vaguely familiar. ‘My name is Manuel Fernandez sir and I wish to marry your daughter’ The scream in the background could be heard in the outskirts of town. The father suddenly recognised the man on the doorstep. His face had been posted on every wall in the village ‘holy mother of god you’re that famous guitarist’ he gagged. ‘Husband if I hear one more curse from you I will be calling Father Rodriguez to get your confession’ the mother shouted from inside the house, which by now was in a state of panic. ‘My apologies Senor Fernandez but I work nights you see and I’m not at my best in the mornings. Please wait there and I will see if my daughter is up and about’ Henrietta suddenly appeared at the door fully dressed and wide awake grinning madly. She slipped past her bewildered father and curtsied ‘good morning Manuel and did I just hear you wanted to marry me?’ she teased. If Manuel had any second thoughts, they had just disappeared. He was grinning madly ‘I suppose now that I have asked your father’s permission I really should ask you as well; but maybe we should have a cup of coffee in that café down the road first’ Henrietta took his arm ‘it is owned by my Uncle so behaved yourself’ she teased again. Manuel would remember later to ask how she had dressed so quickly. ‘You don’t think a group of young women could keep the fact you were going to call on me a secret did you’ She would forget to mention she had been up and dressed since dawn! CHAPTER 3 A VILLA IN THE HILLS – MALAGA Manuel and Henrietta had married. Their child – Maria - was born just 9 months later. As a world famous guitarist Manuel had acquired a healthy bank balance but as one song put it ‘the time’s they are a changing!’ ‘I have done well Henrietta but the young people listen to The Beatles or the Rolling Stones these days. My music is considered out of date’ ‘Your albums still sell do they not’ she reminded him. ‘Not as they used to obviously and everything is on cassettes nowadays. There is even talk about putting them onto some kind of computer disks’ ‘Just talk Manuel who would buy such a thing?’ ‘Maybe I should look for another career’ he shrugged. ‘You are playing at the restaurant tonight Manuel. Why don’t we ask mama to babysit and we will have an evening together!’ she said trying to stop her husband from brooding on the subject. THE RESTAURANT WITH A VIEW Manuel took one last look at the setting sun and went to prepare for his concert. Phillipe the owner of the restaurant was by now an old and valued friend so it was with some concern he noticed the man sitting quietly in a corner head in his hands. ‘Phillipe are you ill?’ The man looked up and shook his head ‘no Manuel nothing so simple’ he answered. ‘What is the matter old friend is your family well?’ The man shook his head again ‘they are well and thank heaven have full lives before them. My daughter is a doctor you know’ he said proudly. Manuel knew all his family intimately so it was an odd statement to make. ‘Is there anything I can do Phillipe’ he asked a little concerned about his state of mind. The man stiffened aware he was not being a man but then sank again at was he was about to say ‘we have to close the restaurant Manuel. The local authorities have condemned the restaurant as unfit. We cannot afford to make the improvements they are insisting on. Even the Mayor cannot be bribed!’ he groaned. If the Mayor cannot be bribed, then things must be bad Manuel thought. ‘Surely the Bank will help you’ ‘The Bank! They are all leaches and only interested in building these ridiculously overpriced properties down on the coast or on a golf course. Have you heard the latest joke Manuel? What is the national bird of Spain? The answer is The Crane. Everywhere you look you see those monstrosities. Franco the Dictator would never have allowed all this’ he growled. Manuel was not going to get into a political discussion but he had some sympathy with his friends point of view. His next statement even surprised himself ‘I will buy the restaurant from you’ It took a few seconds for the owner to realise what his friend was saying ‘I can think of no-one I would rather sell it to if you are serious Manuel. I will make sure the price is right’ Manuel smiled and suddenly realised his melancholy mood had just evaporated. A hand shake between two men of honour was all that was needed to seal the agreement. CHAPTER 4 MANUEL’S - A NEW RESTAURANT {WITH A VIEW} Henrietta had the good sense not to spoil her husband’s enthusiasm but in truth she wasn’t sure if buying a restaurant was a good idea. ‘Remember Henrietta I was brought up in a restaurant so I know it is hard work’ ‘But all the improvements Manuel. It will take a lot of money’ she had argued. ‘I have already spoken to my Bank and they don’t see a problem but I don’t think it will be that expensive if your family are willing to help?’ That was true she thought. Her extended family where either builders, carpenters or electricians. They all had much work due to the recent building boom but she was certain they would do what they could. And so it was that Manuel Fernandez famous guitar playing was now the owner of a Restaurant with a view. It would take almost six months before most of the work was completed. ‘The new furniture is arriving next week’ he told his wife one day as they sat together in the newly built extension. Henrietta did not reply. In fact, she had not really heard what her husband was saying. Manuel looked at his wife closely for the first time in months. With all that was happening he had neglected her and made a vow he would make it up to her as soon as everything was completed. ‘Maybe you should have a few days’ rest’ he suggested. ‘I have been feeling very tired recently so that’s not a bad idea if you don’t need me?’ He came over and hugged his wife and became even more concerned ‘you have lost weight Henrietta. Next week we will visit a Doctor. Maybe he will suggest some vitamins for you and tell us why you are losing weight’ ‘I’m not surprised husband with all the hard work we have been doing these past six months’ She answered suddenly coughing into a handkerchief. ‘That does it we visit a Doctor tomorrow and no argument’ he decided ‘Maria will be with us tonight now we have the upstairs bedroom completed’ His mother in law had taken over the day to day duties of taking their daughter to school and back but Maria would rush into the building every day to see what had been completed. ‘Your daughter is more excited than both of us I think’ Henrietta said smiling. That night they all went to bed exhausted as usual but happy knowing that the restaurant would soon be finished. Manuel awoke suddenly and looked around the darkened bedroom. Something was wrong but what was it? He rubbed his tired eyes and tried to concentrate. He heard something crash onto the tiled floor down below and suddenly came wide awake. It was then he sniffed the air and smelt the acrid smell of smoke! He shook his wife awake ‘get out of bed and grab Maria I think we have a fire in the restaurant’ he told her moving towards the bedroom door. He was just about to add ‘I will call the fire brigade’ then realised the telephone lines had not yet been connected. He opened the door and just as quickly slammed it shut before the black smoke bellowed into the room. Manuel was now in a panic. They were trapped. The fire had already consumed the front entrance; trying to escape that way would mean certain death. Maria had already sensed her parents fear and began to cry. Her mother hugged her but she had also realised their situation was bad. She suddenly remembered something ‘Manuel is the new store room completed?’ ‘Of course!’ he cried ‘it’s completely sealed with no windows. If we get in and close the door we should be safe’ With blankets covering their heads they battled through the smoke and licking flames. The whole restaurant was now alight and there was nothing they could do about it. Inside the store room they slammed the door shut. The emergency lighting flickered for a few minutes then went out. In the darkness they could only sit on the stone floor and wait….and pray! The banging on the door two hours later made them all jump in fright until they heard a voice outside ‘is anyone in there’ came a man’s cry. They all shouted at once. A few minutes later the heavy metal door was being prized open. The fresh air was welcome even with the acrid smell of burning wood. ‘Thank God we found you alive’ cried the fireman as he helped the family outside ‘we feared the worse’ A large crowd had gathered outside and a huge cheer went up as they saw the family appear. Henrietta’s parents had been held back but now they rushed forward then stopped suddenly as their daughter collapsed in a heap on the floor. CHAPTER 4 A LOCAL HOSPITAL Henrietta opened her eyes two days later to see the sleeping figure of her husband in a chair beside the hospital bed. He was still wearing his night clothes and obviously hadn’t washed since the fire. Thinking of the fire she panicked. Where is our daughter? she mumbled to herself. The effort made her start coughing. Manuel woke up and jumped out of the chair ‘Henrietta are you ok?’ ‘Yes husband but you look terrible’ she grinned. ‘Thank god you have been unconscious for two days’ ‘Where is our daughter?’ ‘She is well and with your family. They have refused to leave her alone for more than a minute. It was a close thing Henrietta. Another hour and we would have suffocated’ A doctor entered the room and noticed his patient was awake ‘Hello Henrietta my name is Doctor Guemal. A nurse will be along in a moment to check your condition but I would like a quick word with your husband’ he said indicating they should step out into the corridor. Manuel noticed the clip board with notes and charts in the doctor’s hand. ‘As you know Manuel we have taken blood samples from your wife. Has she been losing weight recently and coughing more than usual?’ ‘Yes, we had arranged to visit a doctor this week’ The Doctor scratched his chin thoughtfully ‘we would have taken blood samples as a matter of course but it wouldn’t have made any difference to the time frame I suppose’ ‘I’m sorry doctor but I don’t understand’ ‘I have already checked the results with a Specialist and he confirms my diagnosis. Your wife has an advanced stage of cancer. I’m sorry sir but her condition is terminal’ Manuel was having trouble breathing as he tried to digest the doctor’s news. A thousand questions were in his head but he could hardly speak. It was not the first time the doctor had delivered bad news so he was prepared for the questions that suddenly came at him. When the inevitable question came he was ready ‘three, possibly six month’s sir, I’m so sorry’ CHAPTER 5 A VILLA IN SPAIN Pablo couldn’t believe what he was hearing. His grandmother had died from cancer many years before he was born. His mother could have died in the fire that engulfed the restaurant. He suddenly needed to hug his mother which he did. He also had many questions to ask ‘if the fire destroyed the restaurant mama how was it re-built?’ ‘I will explain all that in a moment’ Pablo touched the blistered guitar case and now understood why it was in such a condition. It had survived the fire somehow but how he asked? ‘As my mother carried me through the restaurant she needed something to protect our heads from the flames. Your grandfather’s guitar was never far away from him. She used that to protect us from the falling debris’ Pablo shook his head in the wonder of it all. Now he understood the toast Henrietta at the party. ‘Is the party held on that day because she died then?’ ‘No Pablo it is held on the day your grandpapa met a beautiful woman who danced for him and he fell in love!’ Something occurred to him ‘why did I have to wait until my tenth birthday to hear all this mama?’ ‘Maybe you can answer that one yourself’ she asked him. Pablo thought about it and decided the answer was obvious ‘it was the tenth birthday of grandpapa when he realised he could play the guitar’ he smiled. ‘That is correct Pablo. My father has given pleasure to many people with his music but he refused to play again after his wife died. That is except on that one day of the year’ Pablo shook his head at the sadness of it all. He worshipped his grandfather but now many things had become clear. Then something dawned on him ‘but didn’t he play his guitar at my cousins wedding not two months ago’ he asked jumping out of his seat in excitement at remembering that information. ‘Yes Pablo he did and that’s where the story continues’ CHAPTER 6 The death of his wife left Manuel devastated and bewildered. Any thought of re-building the restaurant had evaporated. Any thoughts of playing his guitar never occurred to him. For over six months he hardly left the house except to take his beloved daughter to school or a walk in the woods nearby. The whole community felt his pain but there was nothing they could do to help. It would take time but in the end it was up to the man himself to understand he was not alone. One day a letter from the bank arrived to confirm a deposit had been made by his Insurance Company. Manuel was confused. He had no idea what it all meant but decided he should visit the ruins of the restaurant to see what documents could be salvaged if any. It was not something he was looking forward to but it had to be done. The next day he approached the road leading up to the restaurant. It was blocked by a lorry delivering building material. He cursed under his breath then realised he was being petty. Life goes on for other people he decided. Another lorry was parked outside the entrance. There seemed to be a lot of people milling about he thought ‘I don’t remember another business or large house on this road’ It was not until he rounded the corner of the road that he saw what all the fuss was about. Manuel stood immobile with his mouth fully open. The restaurant had been almost fully restored. Workmen were in the process of delivering the very fittings that should have been arriving the week after the fire. He could only stand and stare until someone tapped him on the shoulder ‘hello Manuel I’m glad you came to visit at last. We could do with some advice on where to locate the new stage!’ his brother in law enquired. A VILLA IN SPAIN ‘Wow did all the family get together and re-build the whole restaurant?’ Pablo asked excitedly ‘that was awesome’ ‘Yes they did Pablo. The deposit in the Bank by the way was the Insurance payment. The Bank Manager had the presence of mind to insist on such a policy just in case’ ‘So the restaurant was opened and was called Manuel’s after my grandpapa. Is that when he met Angelina?’ ‘It wasn’t until five years later he met Angelina but I suppose I was responsible for that’ ‘I don’t understand mama why you?’ ‘My father did his best but it was inevitable things between us would change. He made an effort not to show his sadness but I knew it was always there. I missed my mother and would often stare at her photograph wondering what might have been. I would even write little stories about her until one day a friend suggested I write a book based on my experiences. I had a lot of material to work with that’s for sure. One year later my book was accepted by a publisher in London. A year after that I was approached by a film company wanting to turn the novel into a film’ ‘You made a film’ he asked his mother in awe. ‘Not me Pablo but I did provide many photographs and background material for the producer who by the way decided to visit me at the restaurant one evening. He also brought along the Leading Lady!’ Pablo was now getting the idea ‘and that’s when he met Angelina!’ he said giving himself a pat on the back for being clever. ‘Very good but it could have turned into a terrible disaster’ she answered shaking her head remembering. Pablo was confused again ‘why?’ he asked cautiously. ‘Because they decided to visit on the day of the party!’ ‘The day we all toast Henrietta’ he remembered. ‘Exactly!’ she said in agreement ‘just imagine what my father would be thinking if the woman playing his dead wife turns up to ask him questions’ ‘Did she want to ask him questions’ ‘It seems her Leading Man the one playing father wasn’t nearly as exciting as the real thing. Angelina had studied my father for the part and listened to all his recordings. I think she was already in love with him before she arrived. I had the presence of mind to explain all what was happening. Funnily enough he was very supportive. ‘You have to remember Maria I was in the music and entertainment business when I met your mother. Nothing surprises me about that Industry’ ‘Fortunately as well I had explained the Producer was going to visit but left out the Leading Lady part. Like I said it could have been a disaster but something seemed to happen to my father when he saw her dance’ ‘She danced on the stage!’ ‘Yes Pablo, she not only danced the flamenco but she wore exactly the very same dress my mother wore that first evening they met!’ Pablo was only ten years of age but even he could see that would have stirred painful memories ‘did grandpapa fall in love again’ he asked not really knowing what he was asking. ‘Not straight away Pablo but like I said something seemed to happen to him. I would have expected him to be a little sad and melancholy but exactly the opposite happened. He seemed to realise life goes on and an exciting beautiful actress was just the thing he suddenly wanted. Angelina by the way decided she wasn’t going to fall so easily. She may have fallen for him but she wasn’t going to succumb that quickly. She made him chase after her all the way to the studio where they were filming. I think we can leave out the rest until you are a little older’ she suggested. Pablo still had many questions to ask but the huge yawn he produced cut an end to any more story telling. Maria put her son to bed and decided to take a stroll outside before retiring. Her father was waiting for her ‘how was the story telling daughter’ he asked. She walked over and gave her father a long hug ‘we both still miss her don’t we father but I see parts of her in my son’ Manuel nodded and said ‘tomorrow I will start teaching him the guitar. Goodnight Maria’ THE END
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