Dear Loyal Readers,
First of all, thank you! You are an important reason for the existence of this magazine. We want to thank all the people that visited the site between March 20th and today, all the 81,123 of them. April issue is live at 4 a.m. Eastern Time, as always, and brings a new collection of poems and stories which will entertain you or make you think. Authors from all around the world will welcome you when you open the pages of our magazine. Enjoy! Don't forget: if you hover with your mouse over APRIL 2017, a drop-down menu will appear and you can choose: poems, short-stories or non-fiction. On the right hand of each page, there are categories. If you want to read the work of a specific author, you can find the author's name under categories. Click on the name and.... voila! You're exactly where you want to be. Have fun!