![]() Debarshi Mitra is a 21 year old poet from New Delhi , India. His debut book of poems ' Eternal Migrant' was published in May 2016 by Writers Workshop. His works have previously appeared or are forthcoming in anthologies like' Kaafiyana' and to literary magazines like 'Typewrite', 'Thumbprint', 'The PoetCommunity' , 'Leaves of Ink' and 'The Lake'. He is currently enrolled in an 'Integrated PhD' program in Physics. 31st December Today no one dies, nobody is born. The women they huddle around the fire in their eyes. Nothing escapes this room not even time or light only the sky tilts a little, only the constellations move along the fate- lines from one forehead to another. Climax Once the body bent in surrender its underside bare, the animal out of breath gradually receding wave after wave along the shorelines glimpsed all in an instant. Separation A clear ‘pin- pointed’ stab of that which lies inarticulate underneath the waters, of that which solidifies into ice. English I used to wear it on my head like a crown when we went to my father’s ancestral home on some Sundays, the railways leaping in time several centuries taking us away from the city and to that other world where concrete was sparse and the pale yellow of disease left its unrelenting trace everywhere. Growing up in the city there was little congruence I could find there. Inside the house, surrounded by other relatives, sometimes my ( now dead) diabetic aunt would drag her body across the hall to pick up a fruit kept on the table, her eyes gleaming while she looked directly at me and asked, “ What do you call this in English?” April , 2000 When dawn breaks I know I'll have to move away. Outside the spring has ever so gently come upon us unnoticed and the fragrance of those flowers withering with memory on my mother's grave never seem to drift away. I wander between faces, between rooms and decades like bees drawing nectar at the cusp of dreams. To you too, I make no promises of fidelity, leave no creases under your sheets, and yet something in you stirs but stays silent, something in you absorbs the night, content for now, with only the moonlight between us.