Brian Rihlmann lives in Reno, Nevada. His work has appeared in many magazines, including Chiron Review, The Main Street Rag, The American Journal Of Poetry, and New York Quarterly. He has authored three collections of poetry, most recently “A Screaming Place,” (2021) by Cajun Mutt Press. Werewolvesas Tony departs for the evening leaving me alone in the building he says Make sure ya lock this door.... it’s getting dark and a lotta whack jobs come through here at night Ok, I say, Have a good one I follow him out and stand there a moment, peering into the twilight he’s not wrong about a lot of people walking through here though I see no one now the road through the grounds is a shortcut to the mental hospital the veteran’s hospital a direct path for day laborers and hobos on their way to Fisherman’s Park the river and the rails I see them throughout the day some hobble through on crutches they carry their lives in duffle bags or shopping carts they shuffle through usually with their heads down and then disappear as I go back in and lock the door against the coming darkness I wonder if they transform into werewolves at night like we obviously believe Puzzles |