I have seen eyes that the moon could not compete with And my best friend’s golden skin, a speck of melted sun I’ve heard music, songs, Chariots of angelic voices have sung to me In a musty church basement, a cloud of fourth-grade noise. I’ve had coffee that a prophet made, because something so so sweet, could not have been of earth. And it sure did make me feel like I knew a little more. I have seen the beautiful things. Heaven on earth has come to me, I’ve lived a life I cannot regret, for this life is filled with loveliness. There’s beauty in the autumn trees, And ice cream cones and bloodied scraped knees. I have songs yet to be sung, and ribbons, prizes to be won. I cannot say I don't feel pain, but I ~can~ say There's life in blood, and fellowship and sisterhood, This world has wrought some awful things, but more than pain- the joy it brings. Like kisses at the midnight hour, and powdered donuts, sweet smelling flowers. I hope, I do, you'll just keep going. There are places now unknown worth going. The beautiful things are so worth feeling, So put down your fear- And start your healing. Do you too see? How much more beautiful the sunlight is this morn? Do you too see, the automotive ducklings, putter along the streets for a day of work? Beauty such as this cotton candy sky is typically reserved for sunsets, However, this new day is just as luminescent. As we pass a coffee shop- I imagine schoolchildren, giddy and excited, waiting in line for breakfast- a steaming cup of potential. Do you too see, how much more amazing this morning is than the rest? From the dewdrops forming on the freshly christened grass, young and bright. The air is better this day, the sky is fuller, And I cannot help but smile. JoyIn the darkness of the night
We long for feelings that are bright And in the scalding, morning sun, We wish that night had just begun! In our nature, in our ways, we always long for brighter days. To be human is to be uncontent- A choice from which we must repent! Our joy should come from deep inside, And not from power or our pride. From deep down low or up above, Whichever place you root your love, Believe that each day, beauty lies, In the smallest moments, in blinking eyes, In little stories or within ourselves, In musty churches and dusty bookshelves. Choose to love the place you’re in- No better time than now- Begin! I promise good things, you will find- If to happiness you steer your mind.
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