Daginne Aignend is a pseudonym for the Dutch poetess Inge Wesdijk. She likes hard rock music, photography and fantasy books. She is a vegetarian and spends a lot of time with her animals. Daginne started to write English poetry five years ago and posted some of her poems on her Facebook page and on her fun project website www.daginne.com She has been published in some online Poetry Review Magazines with a pending publication at the Contemporary Poet's Group anthology 'Dandelion in a Vase of Roses'. Just like that So young and so depressed Apparently without a reason A loving family, a kind, good looking boyfriend Good grades at school Beauty and brains And there is where the problem lies Some think you can grasp beauty, without asking Just like that When something intimate forcibly is stolen, the brain can't comprehend and starts to fool around into the dark depths of depression Just like that Ann's eyes Ann, let me drown in your eyes Let me drown in these dark mysterious pools These eyes, a journey through legends, breathtaking mystical Your eyes, Ann reflects all the beauty that Ireland is Awareness You adorned your soul with beautiful lies A sugar coated venom etching a caustic tattoo in my wounded heart Your disdainful derisive smile, while observing my lacerated agony, opened my clouded eyes My scarlet tears blackened Inking the colors of your tainted aura
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