Robin Wyatt Dunn lives in a state of desperation engineered by late capitalism, within which his mind is a mere subset of a much larger hallucination wherein men are machines, machines are men, and the world and everything in it are mere dreams whose eddies and currents poets can channel briefly but cannot control. Perhaps it goes without saying that he lives in Los Angeles. black like my mother rocking the world no fire no plain no silver game of stones no home it's all heart in the work of rain rain the work lift the hell out of its depth and curl it under your toes steaming and cool black augury of death main line and call (we're calling) hello, is this the black augury of death? -yes, hello tell us, just what it is, just who you are, just what it is, just why is it, why are you-- -I get this all the time. Please state your question clearly over the line tell us, won't you, what is it? What is it now? And then? -What is what? Death. -Death is a transition into the future; death is time. Why are you here? -Isn't it more interesting with me here? bear the dell inside like a son she's growing branches over her head blotting out the light inside your head we're growing trees setting up the leaves and looking for suns to start the waves hum hum hum hummy hummy hum the future's on the screen in charts your child's on the screen at auction at the mercy of the river of time you have no control don't short vanity no vanitas permiscuous short raccoon love short raccoon hate we're mining silver over your face looking for stoppages weather needs uses cords all time highs plant the bomb and walk away we have your back I remember your name I remember your face and I'm singing your song under my breath we're scamming the world
shoulders and shorts mighty divorce from history running the pokes and moors churning the storks out of the sky run me for Morse deet deet dee dah and I'll cut you out and cut you in on the sky we're watching the world slip underneath our sleep a whole day lying on top of a subway car just watching the clouds
Joseph Zarnowski lives in Chicago, Illinois. He studied creative writing at Southern Illinois University. He has since worked an endless array of odd jobs, tramping through the years like a pantomiming tourist. His only discernable will being poetry. He has recently published his debut collection, Sugar Soaked Days. DRESDEN NIGHTS |