Keith Burkholder was published in Creative Juices, Sol Magazine, Trellis Magazine, Foliate Oak Literary Journal, Poetry Quarterly, New Delta Review, and Scarlet Leaf Review. He has a bachelor's degree in statistics with a minor in mathematics from SUNY at Buffalo (UB). We Don't Ask to be Born Think about this title for a moment, We don't ask to be born, People obsess over being parents, In the end of it all we all die, Why do we obsess over having children? There is an excessive overpopulation in the world we live in, Meaning, planet Earth, Natural resources are being wasted, The world continues to get worse each day, Again, no one asks to be born to live in this world, How can the world get better? This is a question that is hard to answer, People are afraid to love on another, We live in a society that is fake in so many ways, Just by being good helps the situation greatly, Being a human is a reality, Choose before reproducing, Think about the consequences about bringing a life to the world we exist in, Again, we don't ask to be born, Take care for now and spread goodness, This is all you can do and all anyone can really ask for us, Carpe diem.
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