A General History of Mutinyrigging (it’s all rigged) chance game twixt decks of hands but now at the top-sail furling out strong wind sweating swearing in press gang-way of companions cap’n swings (will swing) down below in fire eternal with the padre’s bowl of lemons as we heave mainbracing (the mainsail) our yard-arms angle at 70 degrees above the swell ocean widow-maker but a captain (as the capstan turns) will be widowed in his many-windowed poop cabin tonight will taste of the sea make his pleasant reconciliation with the fathers of oak and sea-green teak all ship-shape (what is the shape of a ship as it dwindles down to nothing below the keel) At DuskWhitened grass and deeply pinkened clover shapes collapse and show their own reserve. The ancient tumulus lurches and turns over settling life’s journey in a different groove. Silhouettes of love, shadows of flavour, no black and white, just widely haloed grey. The girl at dusk wears a mallow for a favour glinting vermilion in the sun’s last ray. No drum is beaten, no violin’s last glory, no maddened clarinet assaults the sense; the pause prolongs the finish of the story: A pitch-black army pitches night’s black tents. The Customs Post |