Ken Allan Dronsfield is a disabled veteran and poet who has been nominated for 2 Best of the Net and 3 Pushcart Prize Awards for Poetry. His poems have been published world-wide in various publications throughout North and South America, Europe, Asia, Australia and Africa. He has been published in The Burningword Journal, Belle Reve Journal, SETU Magazine, Blue Heron, The Literary Hatchet, The Stray Branch, Now/Then Manchester Magazine UK, Bewildering Stories, Scarlet Leaf Review, EMBOSS Magazine, and many more. Ken loves thunderstorms, walking in the woods at night, and spending time with his cats Willa, Hemi and Turbo. His book, "The Cellaring", a collection of haunting, paranormal, weird and wonderful poems, has been released and is available through He is the co-editor of two poetry anthologies, Moonlight Dreamers of Yellow Haze and Dandelion in a Vase of Roses also available at A Fehér Hattyú (The White Swan)On the small lake outside of Budapest
a sunny Sunday morning and cloudless sky the old swan takes her final breath as the cat nine tails bow in solemn silence. As her life slowly slips away, a single small white cloud appears, a vision of her mate taken by a fox some years ago circles, the lonely old white swan slowly dies No one comes to pay their respects cat nine tails bow, with feted grace the weeping willows shed unseen tears and the old swan takes a final breath Mallards fly by, and the hawks stay high painted turtles glide as grasses sway whilst children stand on the bank and cry, church bells sound in the distant valley, the old white swan gently closes her eyes.
Prefering to "lean and loafe at his ease," Alan Britt is troubled by the corruption and ambivalence that permeates the Great Experiment, so politically speaking he has started the Commonsense Party, which ironically to some sounds radical. He believes the US should stop invading other countries to relieve them of their natural resources including tin, copper, bananas, diamonds, and oil, also that it’s time to eliminate corporate entitlements and reduce military spending in order to properly educate its citizenry, thereby reducing crime and strengthening the populace in the manner that the Constitution envisioned. He is quite fond of animals both wild and domestic and supports prosecuting animal abusers. As a member of PETA, he is disgusted by factory farming and decorative fur. ALAN BRITT: Library of Congress Interview: HARRY NILSSON SINGS THE BEATLES |