Briana Ricotta is currently an Applied Behavior Analysis Therapist and is working towards her masters at Ball State University in Behavior Analysis with an Emphasis on Autism. Brianna loves to make a difference in the world through her photography, poetry, and passion for mental health issues. She brings a unique perspective with her overseas background. Currently Brianna's work has been published on the Huffington Post's Blog, Psych Central blog, Tuck Magazine, The Scarlet Leaf Review, and Everyday Poems. Oh Thy Agony of Sweet Success Success sweeps
thy sweetest part of thy soul, By they who barely meet succeed To comprehend thy fruit of its labor It requires neh glory all the time But rather fits of pain. Not one of all thy flesh of your fruits Can dictate Thy definition Of success, Until thy notion they comprehended That success not screams purely pleasure But instead raw agony.
1 Comment
katie Luea
1/15/2018 12:00:09 pm
an amazing poem, that really spoke to me. Thank you for writing this!!
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