THE BEGINNING AND THE ENDWhen the Prime Mover let it be known
that homo erectus was his sapient aim, an angelic committee voiced a moan, urging that He, the world's Maker, disclaim this late averment, hinting it would taint the universe without some taut restraint. But the Omniscient would have none of it, so loosed his wisdom unassailable that the sole redeemer from the pit be agape for himself, and amiable. Thus were the jealous messengers abashed. Satan grew his tail; his teeth he gnashed. Our Earth obeyed its Master: in the oceans, where gases vented from the floor, fish fed on them, transitioning through the eons to seals and apes, obeying the Father's wish. (This intricate, entangled process grants dubious sway to miscreants.) This planet then acquired a race ensouled who scoured their knowledge to determine why omnipotence with benignity should scold his offspring with ruin as if He wished they'd die. They had scant means to see it was to test whether their faith was worthy to be blest. Now in our day a moiety has failed the test, yet still maintain they've qualified. And so "the son of perdition," who regaled himself above the Lord, is pert and snide, proclaiming he's superior to law, for he'd invented lies to quell and awe. The promised end has seemed at sundry times to gesture its approach, yet stars remained, though nations quaked. Perhaps, as pantomimes, they shook the Ninevehs, who then regained their faith. So goes relationship with God, who will not, like the pagan Zeus, nod.