Matthew McAyeal is a writer from Portland, Oregon. In 2008, two screenplays he wrote were semi-finalists in the Screenplay Festival. He has short stories published in "The Writers' Mill Journal" (Volumes 3 - 6) and in the literary magazines "Danse Macabre", "cc&d", "The Fear of Monkeys", "The Metaworker", and "Scarlet Leaf Magazine". CLAIRE'S CHOICE Claire barged into the mansion's parlor. Inside, she found Frank, her worthless fat oaf of a brother. He couldn't be more of a contrast to the elegant room, but there he was. He was lounging in an armchair like he owned the place and slurping cognac that didn't belong anywhere near his uncultured lips! She stalked right over to him.
“Claire!” he gasped. He ought to be surprised. She was holding a revolver in her hand. Claire didn't answer. She relished the look of dumb shock on her dumb brother's dumb face. Summoning up her hatred for the worthless fat blob in front of her, she fired. Claire would not be denied what was rightfully hers. Several hours earlier, Claire arrived at the mansion of her late grandfather. In fact, he had only recently become “late” as this was the reading of his will. Claire had purposely decided to arrive fashionably late so that everyone would notice her new dress and furs. As she neared the drawing room, she caught a snippet of the will reading. “— Claire gets nothing. Frank receives two million dollars —” Claire stopped in her tracks. She seethed. How could that stupidly eccentric grandfather of hers give two million dollars to Frank and nothing to her?! Frank would have no good use for that money. It belonged to her! Claire decided that if she got nothing, Frank would get nothing too. Claire was now leaving the parlor. She didn't care that she had just committed murder. No one would suspect her. They all thought she was such a great and wonderful sister, putting up with all of Frank's ignorance and worthlessness. Well, it turned out even she had her limits. As she entered the drawing room, she noticed the will resting on a table. Claire walked over and grabbed it, intending to chuck it into the fireplace. She quickly scanned the document to find the offending section. She found it all right: Claire has always been a good sister to Frank, but I worry that she's prone to anger and jealousy. Therefore, I will be making her inheritance conditional. If she continues to take good care of her mentally impaired brother, Claire will receive five million dollars. If something bad happens to him, Claire gets nothing. Frank receives two million dollars.