Keith Burkholder has been published in Creative Juices, Sol Magazine, Trellis Magazine, Foliate Oak Literary Journal, New Delta Review, Poetry Quarterly, Scarlet Leaf Review, and Birmingham Arts Journal. He has a bachelor's degree in statistics with a minor in mathematics from SUNY at Buffalo (UB). A Living Human that can disappear and reappear from viewHoward has a unique talent that no one on Earth has. He can disappear and reappear when he feels the need to do this. He has had this talent ever since he was eight years old. He has never told this to his parents. He has no idea who or what cast this talent on his, but he can do this at will. Humans do not disappear and reappear the way Howard does. However, Howard loves this talent he possesses. He used it in school when he ran into trouble with students or even teachers. This was his escape outlet. No one can tell how he does this. However, it happens to him and he loves to disappear and reappear at will whenever he can. He can travel throughout the world and even the solar system this way. He has seen all the planets this way as well. He loves his life this way. He enjoys time travel or traveling in the present by traveling all that he can. He has seen the past and loved all his travels while seeing these parts in history. However, he has never been able to travel to the future. I wish him well in his ventures and his life. He is a great person and he loves disappearing and reappearing whenever he can. This is his life and it will continue this way until he dies. The Invisible Planet in our great universeThere is this one planet in the solar system that is invisible to the naked eye. It located between Earth and Mars. This planet has not been in existence for the length of time as the other planets. However, it is a place where goodness reigns supreme. People from this world love to see other planets. They love to interact with them and try to maintain good relations. However, no one can come to their world because it is invisible. It wants to remain this way to maintain a place without destruction or wars. Maybe one day their mode of thought will change, but for it will continue to be invisible. This planet may someday make itself visible. However, now it wants to remain the way it is now. This planet is a place where there is no destruction. The people here want their world to remain good and stay that way as well. This is the only invisible planet in the solar system. It goes around the sun like the rest of the planets. The solar system varies in planets and their sizes. The planets also vary in personality and views as well. No one should be afraid of the beings that come from this invisible world. They are friendly and love to have peace around them whenever possible. The life from this world is amazed at how much tension and destruction that occurs on planet Earth. However, planet Earth also has peace loving individuals as well. This invisible world will continue as it is. It is a place that may open its world to other visitors but in the meantime it will remain invisible. The other planets respect its privacy and how it functions in the solar system. Again, the beings from this planet will always be friendly and peace loving. There is nothing more to say about this world. It is a place that is different than other planets and that is a great thing to this world. Time will continue forward, and this planet will continue to exist as it is. Take care now and respect this world all you can as time continues the future calls us with its beckoning call. Imagination Increase After Drinking Chocolate MilkLarry loves to drink chocolate milk. He is more creative after drinking a glass of it. This is the way his mind works. He has chocolate syrup he pours into the milk. He mixes it with a spoon and drinks it. It tastes great to him. Larry is a writer. He loves to write science fiction and fantasy. He loves feeling creative whenever possible. Larry’s mind works in a way that even he cannot describe. He loves chocolate milk a lot and it always seems to boost creativity in him. Mind you, Larry does not drink chocolate milk every day. However, does drink it when he can. He is a bachelor and lives his life as one. Not everyone is meant to be a parent. He understands this concept well and this means a lot to him, too. Larry loves science fiction because it allows his mind to escape from reality. He loves to write about far away places that are not real but fun to visit. He will always write, and this makes him happy this way. He loves to write short stories mostly and has dabbled into novels. I wish him well in his ventures and life in general. He is a person who loves who he is, and he loves to be a writer in general. He is working on a novel and hopes to finish it soon. Take care, Larry and may the future bring you continued happiness as time passes and a new day arrives with great optimism. AtheistThis space explorer doesn’t believe in God. However, science is what he believes in completely. It is what gives his life meaning. God doesn’t mean anything to him. However, he respects the fact that religion is practiced by others around the world on planet Earth. The science aspect of things really makes his life have meaning. He is a space explorer and he loves to travel in his space pod in the solar system. Space travel keeps his mind open. He can see stars and the other planets while traveling this way. Planet Earth is his home planet. As a child, he was forced to believe in God. His parents were Catholic, and the Bible had no meaning to him. His mind always reverted to science. He learned a lot of science while in school and then he entered in college and did the same. Religion is not realistic to him at all. He believes that his world is more fulfilling because of science. He clearly believes in the Big Bang Theory and evolution. Tangible evidence is what make this person happy. He loves to learn how science changes as the planet of Earth continues to evolve. Humans evolve all the time. This concept means a lot to him and he feels that people are better off believing in science. Science gives meaning to a person. It is realistic and makes a lot of sense to him. He never found such realizations in religion. He would never bash religion. It doesn’t give any true answers about life in general or about the amazing concepts in humanity. This space explorer tried to see what sense religion has brought to others. However, to him this was never the case. Time after time nothing changed for him. He is a person who believes that science has the answers. This is what means the most to him. This space explorer loves to see things firsthand. This is how he feels about life in general. We are all living organisms and then we die after a certain period. He feels that nothing else can be added here. Everyone has their feelings and beliefs about concepts in the world. We live in a free world for the most part. We all have a freedom of religion according to the constitution and its amendments. He loves to be free of religion. This makes his life a lot more meaningful. This is how he truly feels about life in general. This is his life. He enjoys traveling in space and learning about the solar system this way. This is how life will continue to go. I wish this space explorer well. He knows what makes him happy and content. Respect his beliefs and let him go and enjoy life as he knows it. This is how it is and always will be for him. Our planet of Earth in a better state of existenceFor years and years, planet Earth has been under the ruins of war and natural disasters. The human race is clinging alive by a thread.
Planet Earth needs a new life form to take over. Other life from around the solar system knows about the destruction planet Earth is going through now. The life from other worlds will help out from the destruction humans are placing on each other now. The human race needs to rationalize why the destructions continue. If the wars cease, humanity can come back and natural disasters won’t happen in such great quantities as well. This life from another world will look ahead and help out the disasters on planet Earth. The planet needs help desperately. Life from Mars and Venus will now come to Earth to help out. There has been life from Saturn and Jupiter that will do the same. Planet Earth is the only world where life from all over the solar system can live. The destruction is massive and help is on the way. Planet Earth believes that it can be saved. The wars should diminish over time. However, there will vast human killings and destruction of other life, too. Help from planets Venus and Mars are now here. It will take a little while longer for help from Saturn and Jupiter to come here. Those planets are really far from the planet Earth. Earth is an ally to all of the planets. However, Earth is noted for its destruction and overall war occurrences. The help is definitely being shown now. Wars are starting to subside and more peace will be spread here. Planet Earth needs peace because the planet needs to repair itself. The planet is self-correcting place that needs peace to revive itself from human ruin. Also, natural disasters won’t be as frequent if peace is spread right now. The help from the four planets has proven beneficial. It took Saturn and Jupiter some time to come to planet Earth. They did come and the help they provided was magnificent to say the least. The four planets that helped Earth turned the world around. Planet Earth was able to save a lot of inhabitants from death. Planet Earth now will continue to improve. There were so many casualties from the wars and natural disasters. The natural disasters will still happen, but not as much. Their effects will not be as devastating as before. One cannot control the weather literally. The planets are happy now that Earth is in great shape again. It will take time for the planet to repair itself, but it will happen. The planet Earth will continue to exist in the solar system with human life. The human life was close to extinction, but the help from Mars, Venus, Jupiter and Saturn proved to be positive in so many ways. The help allowed planet Earth to exist as it is now. Overall, there is nothing else to add. The planet Earth will continue to improve and this is what it wants to do. As long as no more wars take place, the goodness of people will thrive. This is how it will be for now. I wish the planet more positivity and hopefully in time the planet Earth will cleanse itself and be one of the friendliest, if not the friendliest world in the galaxy as time passes into the future and beyond.