Tyra Graham is a creative writing student in Orlando, Fl. In her free time, she enjoys riding her skateboard and playing with her cat. You can follow her on Twitter at @tyra_graham. Inquisitive Cat It was an ordinary day for Luna. She ran from room-to-room chasing her cat, Bello, to clip its nails. They were to the point of curling and had torn through almost anything she pawed. In the midst of her chase the doorbell rang. She went to open the door only to find no one there. Befuddled, she closed the door. She walked in the direction to the kitchen, and it rang again. Again she found nothing there. She slammed the door angrily, thinking some of the kids in the neighborhood were playing some game. The doorbell rang one last time. She swung the door open and looked down to find a box instead of a small child. Thinking it may belong to her parents she brought it in. The box was rugged. It looked as it may have been through a few trips before making it here. The sides had what looked like claw marks. What an odd box, she thought to herself. She sat the box on the floor next to the couch and went back to looking for the cat. She looked in her room, her parent's room, and the kitchen, but Bello wasn’t in any of them. “Bello,” she said. She tried to listen for the bell that’s on the cat’s collar, but she didn’t. She sighed deeply and leaned on the marble island. She heard her cat’s meow come in the living room. She raced there to find her cat floating in the air, and the box was torn open. “Bello, what did you do and why are you floating!” she exclaimed. She slowly maneuvered towards Bello, and tried to catch her, but the cat moved further from her. She picked up the box and a black substance oozed from it. She shrieked and dropped the box. It continued to leak on the floor, and her cat started to cry. She glared at her at and said, “Hush.” She swiftly opened the lid and found a cross and a note. The cross was silver, and it held some weight to it. It had random swirls and dents in it. She lowered it and read the note aloud. “Once the cross in this box is touched, you shall spend an eternity in the air.” She sighed and flopped on the couch and thought to herself, All I wanted to do was clip my cat's nails.