![]() Basile Murray was born on July 17th,1995 in Philadelphia PA. He is a Marine Corps Veteran and served from July 2013 to September 2017. He is a fan of the Carolina Panthers, the Charlotte Hornets and the Philadelphia Phillies. He enjoys playing basketball, football, paintball and video games. He loves writing, traveling and listening to music. His favorite artist are Lil Uzi Vert and Trey Songz. JADEIt’s a dark stormy night as Malik is driving his red Viper down I-95 playing some Lil Uzi Vert and blasting his AC. As he stops for gas he grabbed three bags of nacho cheese Doritos and a huge gallon of Arizona Fruit Punch for the rest of his trip.
While walking to his car he’s approached by a cute, short, slender, brown haired woman. “Hi, my name, is Jade, and I’ve been stuck here for a few hours after my car broke down a few miles down the road. I haven’t been able to reach anyone and I need to get to Jacksonville. I don’t know if you’re heading that way but if you are I would appreciate a ride.” Malik looks at her deciding rather or not to help but reluctantly says, “Luckily, I’m heading down toward Orlando so Jville is along the way.” She looks at him and smiles as she says, “Thank you, you don’t know how much this means to me.” They get in the car and drive off. “I’m Malik by the way.” “Malik, huh, such a cute name for a cute guy.” He smiles and says, “Thanks, you’re really pretty yourself.” She blushes. “You must say that to all the girls, but where are you from?” “I’m from Charlotte, but I live in Orlando for college. Where are you from?” “I’m from San Diego, but my ex-husband got stationed in Camp Lejeune.” “Really, I just got out of the Marines I was stationed there, but what’s in Jacksonville if you don’t mind me asking?” “I’m starting a new chapter in my life and Jacksonville felt like a great place.” “That’s cool, I hope things work out for you.” “Thanks.” Thirty minutes pass and he looks over and notices she’s sleep. He checks his hip, then looks back over at her wondering if he’s doing the right thing. He cuts the radio back on just loud enough that it wouldn’t wake her up. XO TOUR Llif3 starts playing and he raps along. Several songs play before she starts to wake up. “Where are we?” she asked. “One hour from Jacksonville I think.” “It’s 3 am do you want to stop for the night?” “Nah, I got class at 9 am so I’m in a rush.” “Well do you want me to drive at least until Jacksonville so you can get an hour of sleep?” “I normally don’t let people drive my car but I’m so tired I been driving since 3 pm, just wake me up when you get to Jacksonville.” “Don’t worry I will.” He pretends to fall asleep and hears her talking on the phone with someone saying to be ready she’s in a red Viper the guy is going to be asleep so take him out back and that she’s almost there. Twenty minutes later the car stops and he ‘wakes up’ to Jade looking at him with a grin. She says, “I’m sorry that I have to do this to you.” She gets out the car and before he can react to her someone opens his door and throws him on the wet ground. The guy laughs and pulls a knife out. Malik laughs, pulls his gun out and shoots the guy in the knee. As the guy falls to the ground screaming in agony Malik gets up and says, “So you thought I was a easy huh?” He picks the guy up and walks over towards Jade with the gun to his head. “Jade, why did it have to end up like this?” “You were so trusting and I had to exploit it.” “Well you signed this guy’s death certificate and yours.” He shoots her in the chest twice and the shoots the guy in the head. He walks over to her body as blood spurts from her chest onto the side of car. Coughing up blood she curses him and breathes her last breath. He looks at her with a grin on his face. He then calmly sets the scene up to look like a carjacking. The cops arrive and take him back to the station then question him for five hours in a hot room that smelled like cigarette smoke and stale donuts. After keeping his composure, the whole time, they determine that it was self-defense. He leaves and heads home realizing he dodged a bullet. Never trust a pretty face, he thinks to himself.
1/15/2018 03:46:00 pm
Very interesting ang captivating .
1/21/2018 10:03:33 am
Great story. I love it. I have been sharing it co-workers and friends.
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