My name is Stefan Moussignac I was born in Brooklyn New York in august 29 1997. But I spent most of my life in Haiti in school, I had to move out and live in Florida where learned and practice to become a better writer. Sovereign Citizen "Dammit," a man said as he was being pulled over the police. "License and registration please." "Am I being detained." "No, I just need your license." "There’s no law that requires me to give you license." "What?" "I am a sovereign citizen and as one I have the right to walk this land freely according to the articles of federation." The cop was confused and didn't know what was going on, until he remembers that he mentioned sovereign citizen. As he remembers Sovereign citizen are a group of who in their mind think they can do whatever they want because of some outdated laws. "Ok sir, I would like you to calm down and just give me your license." "You do not have the right to do that," the man said "can I speak to your supervisor" "No sir, we can't do that it’s going to take too long just give me your license" "You are impeding on my rights, what you are doing is illegal." "Ok, that's enough just give me your license or we could do this the hard way." "No, I am a freeman and I can travel where I can go." "Ok then, get out of the vehicle." "I am not driving a vehicle, I am traveler sir." The officer was getting angry and was having enough of this, so he grabs his night stick and broke the car window of the car. "Help, help this is illegal," the man cried "you can't do this" The officer was silent and opened the car then he dragged the man out kicking and screaming and putting handcuffs on him.