Roxanne Jewell graduated from Belding High School and lived in Michigan until 2017, traveling over 3,000 miles to Arizona. Before moving to Arizona, she worked as a companion for elderly family members and as an office assistant for a small, privately owned cement company. Roxanne recently earned her Bachelor’s degree in Creative Writing for Entertainment from Full Sail University in March 2021, where she learned scriptwriting, world building, character development, and much more. Roxanne currently lives in Michigan working as a companion for elderly family members. In her spare time she writes all story ideas, in various stages of completion, filling numerous three-ring binders that occupy a bookshelf at home. ChosenThe vegetation surrounds the tiny four-room house at the edge of the woods. A lone, winding road bends in front of the house. There is a second small outbuilding beside the house, but set back further from the road. Its back wall buried into the edge of the woods. Sunlight shines through the treetops and creates dappled patterns that dance on the northern walls and roofs of both buildings.
Jace is a fourth-level Mystic at thirty-eight years old and is still learning the craft. He is also one of several members of the Order of the Elders. Sage, the Elder Mystic, called Jace to gather the Order together. After the other mystics arrived at his home, Jace shared with them the news of the invading Ovroks. "A group of beings entered our Realm and are threatening to destroy Ventar. They call themselves the Ovroks. The Ovroks are after the Basynthe and all the natural minerals found here on Ventar. If they manage to extract all of the Basynthe Ventar has in its depths, the world and every living entity will die." "Everything?" Joq asked. "Ventar, Mystics, Healers, everything," Sage said. "How do we defeat these Ovroks?" Joq asked. "Only a seventh-level Mystic and a Chosen Elite can defeat the threat against Ventar." Sage said. "But you are a seventh-level Mystic. Surely you can deliver the final blow to defeat the Ovroks." Amar said. "Seventh-level mystic, yes. Chosen Elite, no. I have been, and only will ever be a Mystic, that is where I will remain. The Chosen Elite are the warriors of Ventar, but there is no Mystic among them." Sage said. "So, there must be a seventh-level Mystic who must also be a Chosen Elite? Then all is lost because one does not exist." Bex said. "There is one in existence, only she does not know of her powers. She will come forth soon. She dwells close by." Sage said. "Who is she? Maybe we can help identify her." Liam asked. "I know not. The Orb of Knowledge cannot see beyond the mist that surrounds her." Sage said. Hours later, a violet colored orb soared through the window of Jace's workshop. Jace caught it and stared at the image of Sage within the orb. "The Ovroks are here. Send all weapons for the Chosen Elite. Be ready." Jace sends out lilac orbs to the other Mystics to come to his house for the evening meal. He continues on his research of the local vegetation that grows around his dwelling for any medicinal properties they contain. A dozen orbs, each a different color, floats through the open window of Jace's workshop. Jace smiles and waits for his friends. Eighteen year old Kenda sits in her study with the latest lesson her father, Jace, has given her. There is a fire-proof container nearby for her to practice conjuring and controlling the fire element. Kenda is hesitant to create the fire indoors because she has not been able to control the element yet. Controlling water, element number two that she learned, is not a problem for Kenda. The first lesson of controlling air came easy for her. Jace had made her mad once and she blew him off his feet with a blast of wind. A calming chant floated through all open windows as the Mystics approached the house. They entered Jace's workshop and settled onto the available seats they pulled from under his worktable. "Fellow Mystics, Sage has informed me that the Ovroks have come. They are now eliminating anyone, be it animal or human, that stand in their way. We now know where and what happened to the Mystics and Chosen Elite who have disappeared, never to return. I have gathered all weapons to be given to the current group of Chosen Elite and I will send Kenda to Sage with the necessary items needed to rid the Ovroks from Ventar." "We must do whatever is needed to delay the Ovroks so she can reach Sage," Liam said. The Mystics walked the pathway to the main living area, scattered throughout the room and watched out the windows for the Ovroks. Jace called his daughter, Kenda, downstairs. When she reached the bottom of the stairs, he was hovering by the underground tunnel entrance with his pack in one hand. Kenda noticed a sword handle sticking out the top of the pack. Seeing some movement out of the corner of her eye, she noticed Mystics Joq, Bex, Liam, and Amar in the living room. Her mother Jael had just stepped out of the cooking area with a weapon. "Jace," Joq said, looking at Kenda. Jace turned around. "Ah, good." Bex and Amar were looking out a window that faced the backyard while Liam and Joq were gazing out a front window. "Allo, Mystics," Kenda greeted before turning to Jace. There were murmurs of greeting without glances in her direction. "I don't have much time to explain. I need you to take this backpack to Sage. He will know what to do with the items inside," Jace said. "Here's the last item, Jace," Jael said, bringing out a very pink bow, but no arrows. Jace helped Kenda put the backpack on. While she was adjusting the weight across her shoulders before clipping the waist strap, Jace took the bow from Jael. Once the backpack was adjusted and comfortable, Jace handed Kenda the bow. "An easy way to carry it would be to place it across your shoulders," he said. When the bow was across her body, a faint pink glow along with a pulsing red glow shone from the pack. "I thought they might do that," Bex's voice rang out. Kenda glanced at him and all their faces were turned in her direction. They were grinning ear-to-ear. "That's a good sign. The bow and sword might work for her," Joq said. "Jace," Liam warned. Joq spun and looked out the window. "They're here," Joq said. "Here too, " Amar said, watching out the back window. "Kenda, all questions will be answered soon. Go into my lab to the stone door. Place your right palm against the door and say your full name. Go through the door and you'll be in the tunnel to Sage's hut. Please be careful. Good luck," Jace said, then he ran out the front door with Jael and all four Mystics. Kenda looked out the front window. They were fighting with some silvery-gray humanoid beings with flat heads and horns. Kenda turned to look out the back window. Recognizing more of Jael's and Jace's friends, and a few others she didn't recognize, fighting with the same kind of beings in the backyard. She ran to the dark entrance and started to descend the pathway, the enchanted door closing behind her. She emerged into Jace's lab and across the room was the stone door. There was a slight indentation in the middle of the door, the size of Jace's hand, she quickly placed her right hand, palm flat, on the door. "Kenda Eliyen," she said. There was a prickly sensation that travelled down her arm, tickling her hand and the door melted. At the sound of a loud banging on the wooden door, as if someone was trying to get in, Kenda quickly ducked through the entrance. When the door reappeared, she was plunged into total darkness. A quite audible sigh escaped her lips, and a spray of light illuminated the room, splashing onto a table below. She glanced around for the light source and discovered a giant orb imbedded into the ceiling. All manner of vegetation was either hanging, potted, or in vials of every size imaginable, strewn throughout the entire room. Kenda ducked under a nasty looking potted plant that was hanging nearby and stepped up to the table. A worn piece of fabric was lying there, words were scrawled upon it in Jace's handwriting. 'Follow the tunnel to Sage's dwelling. Past the flax field, skim the edge of the cove and you will find the beaten path that leads to his home. The Chosen Elite will question. Just show them the sword. You will know what to do after.' Puzzled at what Jace was trying to say, she rolled up the fabric, placing it on one of the shelves while walking past them to enter the dank, dark tunnel leading to the North. By the dripping of water and the strong scent of fresh dirt, she had to be under the woods. She walked the long tunnel, which seemed like days, and the pathway started to climb. Kenda could smell fresh air, biting and crisp, and emerged under a moss covered log. She stood still and scanned her surroundings. Nothing. Not even the reassuring chirps of birds. She sprinted from the edge of the woods, through the flax field, and skimmed the shoreline of the cove. She could feel the Ovroks nearby, and never stopped running until she came to the next border of woods. Kenda stopped long enough to catch her breath, her eyes darting, searching the area for the dreaded Ovroks. Hopefully Sage will know how to rid Ventar of them. The Ovroks appeared next to the cove shoreline, spreading out and searching for her. She skirted the edge of the woods, each step painstakingly slow, and felt for the invisible entrance while trying not to alert the Ovroks. An arm snaked around her waist and a hand covered her mouth, pulling her back into the inky shade of trees. "Mmm." she struggled. The one who grabbed her, turned her around. "Shh." the hooded figure said, removing his hand from her and motioning her to speak quietly. Kenda slowly nodded, taking deep calming breaths. "What brings you out here?" the being asked. She took another two calming breaths and looked out over the water. "Jace found a few items that the Chosen Elite need." she said, barely looking at him. "How did you know to come to this spot? You could have gone anywhere." the hooded figure asked. "I was told by my father, Jace. He said only a Chosen Elite or Mystic can find the Temple." "Come." The hooded figure led her down the corridor to the Scrying Room. "I still don't understand how the Ovroks managed to take out the Chosen Elite or the Mystics that have disappeared." Cyran said. At the sound of many footsteps, the others quickly turned around. "Tanyth, what are you doing?!" Jandar asked. "How is she able to enter?" Cyran asked. "Does this give me access?" Kenda asked. She pulled Oathkeeper, Greatsword of the Light, out of the backpack. The moment she had Oathkeeper in her hand, there was a sound of rushing wind. Kenda inhaled sharply and swayed slightly, raising a hand to her forehead. "What happened?" she asked. "Your dormant powers were awakened. You are not only a Healer, but also a Mystic," Sage said, stepping out of the shadows. "You are now one of my Chosen Elite." "I fulfilled the prophesy of the Mystic and Chosen Elite that will rid the world of invaders? How? I'm only a third-level. I thought the Mystic had to be a seventh-level?" Kenda said. "You are a seventh-level Mystic, Kenda. You were just unaware of your abilities. The others will guide you with your full powers as you become aware of them," Sage said. The Ovroks were destroyed in one battle and Kenda's energy was almost depleted entirely. The loss of three Chosen Elite members and five Elders in that battle took a toll on everyone. Ventar is healthy and the Basynthe mineral is safe. The Ventarians are rebuilding their world and the Chosen Elite are rebuilding their group, ready for the next time they are called upon to defend Ventar.