Keith Burkholder has been published in Creative Juices, Sol Magazine, Trellis Magazine, Foliate Oak Literary Journal, New Delta Review, Poetry Quarterly, Scarlet Leaf Review, and Birmingham Arts Journal. He has a bachelor's degree in statistics with a minor in mathematics from SUNY at Buffalo (UB). Angelic powers on planet EarthPlanet Earth has gone through a lot of turmoil as of late. Angels from heaven have seen this and want to make changes to the planet. Their powers will be felt on Earth right now.
Angels are either believed by people or not. In this case, they do exist, and planet Earth needed a change for the better. Human tragedy is common on planet Earth. This is such a case here on Earth and the angels wanted peace to occur. Death happens to much on Earth. It is a common occurrence whether it is do, to a health of a person or wars and destruction. The angels have entered the domain of Earth. They are now about to cast their powers to consume the planet. These powers can turn bad into good. This may take some time, but the after-effects will be felt greatly by humans on Earth. As time has passed, the planet Earth has evolved into a different manner. Goodness is now incorporated into its makeup. This was due to the power of the angels. As time passed, planet Earth has gotten better. Wars and destruction and overall badness have dropped considerably. Thanks to the angels, hopefully this goodness will continue from here on out. This is all anyone can hope for now.