How to love your jobYou are flying on a plane, that you think is taking you to Mumbai. You are a businesswoman going to a conference where all they talk about is numbers and how to rip people off since that is the secret to how you make money. Everyone you have talked to in the past conferences enjoy their jobs as a businessman or woman, and share their miracle stories (usually about money), passions (obviously making money), and ways of living (always superfluous). You always hear the common question after they have finished sharing; What about you? Most of the time, you just sit there and shrug. But today is different. None of that will happen, and you realize so, when you land. You exit the aircraft, and look for that familiar royal blue colored sign that has the picture of a bag, but it is nowhere to be found. “Excuse me”, you ask with your American accent “where is the baggage claim?” The attendant scoffs as she scrunches one eye, clearly confused. After some talking, you quickly realize that you are no longer in the year of 2019. You try to catch your breath at the thought of that, but your heart is continuously racing at the speed of light from the news of time travel.
You have a degree in computer science, but decided to pursue business because of the security of the finances. And everyone knows that you either hit computer science out of the ballpark, or it just sits there and oxidizes. Although you have a comfortable life, you hate your job. Even becoming an Apple consultant would have a better fit rather than riding a flying a pile of metal every 2 weeks. You are disgusted by the name “business class” and always request a transfer to economy, as you never fit in. But now, you are in the future. Everything is technology, which is the most ideal situation for you. This plane took you to the future. You walk through the airport seeing the white capsules where people sit in, computers that fold up into squares-small enough to fit in your pocket, and holograms, except they weren’t just blue and white. You soon reach the exit sign, where you are met with a sweep of fresh air. There are self-driving cars that lay on the tile streets, with signs telling the destination or person they were picking up. One car said in bold black letters: Computer Science Job Interview @ 149 Povcke Drive. Now, if you hate your job, get on a plane, and just see what future awaits.