![]() Ileyah Cooper is a student with a love for writing. Residing in Michigan, Ileyah is currently pursuing a Creative Writing degree at Full Sail University. She loves writing realistic fiction, short stories and poetry. She also dabbles in blogging and hopes to create her own blog soon. When she is not in school, Ileyah works as a freelance editor for indie authors. This is her first writing publication. Pregnant? “So, I guess I’ll see you tomorrow then?” Steven said into the phone.
“Of course, babe,” Kennedy replied. “I can’t wait.” “Neither can I, Ken.” “Hey, Steven?” “Yeah, Ken?” Steven could hear the hesitation in Kennedy’s voice, and it made him nervous. He really hoped she wasn’t going to say what he thought she was. “When are we gonna make things official?” And there it was, the exact question Steven had been dreading. He sighed to himself, not knowing how to answer that question. Just then, his phone started beeping in his ear. Somebody else was trying to call him. He ignored it, still trying to figure out how to respond to Kennedy. “I mean.” Kennedy paused, before deciding to continue. “We’ve been dating for almost a year now. It’s just kind of weird that I haven’t met any of your family and friends yet, isn’t it? And it’s even weirder that they don’t know that we are dating. I want to be your girlfriend, Steven. I don’t wanna hide it anymore.” There was a long pause. For a second, Kennedy was afraid that Steven had hung up. Finally, after what seemed to be forever, Steven cleared his throat. “Kennedy, I would love to make things official with you. Just give me a couple weeks, so I can plan a day for you to meet my family. Okay?” “Okay,” Kennedy said, giggling into the phone. “I’m really tired though, so I’m gonna get ready for bed.” “Okay, princess. Sleep well.” “I’ll try. Goodnight.” “Goodnight, Ken,” Steven said before hanging up the phone. He resisted the urge to throw his phone as he plopped down onto the couch. “Shit,” he muttered to himself. Remembering he had a voicemail, he got back into his phone and placed it to his ear. “Hey cutie, it’s me. I got some exciting news today that I can’t wait to share with you! I’ll call you again when I get home from work. I love you!” This voicemail wasn’t from Kennedy. It was from Miranda. Steven just put himself into a very bad situation. He never meant for things to go down like this, but they did. Now he felt like his entire life was a lie, and he had nobody to blame for that but himself. Just then, the doorbell rang, breaking Steven from his thoughts. He wasn’t expecting anyone, especially not this late at night. He got up from the couch, making his way to the door. He went to open the door, but decided it was best to look through the peephole first, just incase. Looking through the peephole, he noticed that his motion sensor light was on. However, nobody appeared to be at the door. “That’s weird,” he muttered. He slowly opened the door, revealing not a person, but a small package, addressed to him in familiar handwriting. He looked around, making sure nobody was there, before picking it up. Sitting at the kitchen table, Steven began to open the package. When he looked inside of it, he gasped. Sitting on top of pink and blue tissue paper was a positive pregnancy test. He gasped at the sight of it, and eventually found himself smiling at his little gift. But as soon as it came it faded, as he realized that his gift made his bad situation a whole lot worse. Steven and Miranda, his fiancé, had been trying to have a baby for a while. Miranda had health problems, though, and had a difficult time trying to conceive. This caused the couple to fight, a lot. These fights usually resulted in screaming, which resulted in Miranda crying and Steven leaving. After one of those fights, Steven found himself at the local bar, where he met Kennedy. A drunken one night stand turned into a secretive, one sided relationship. Kennedy became clingy, and the relationship became one that Steven didn’t really want, but was too afraid to end. Now he was left with the task of figuring out which woman was pregnant. Him and Miranda had been trying, that is true. They hadn’t slept together very much lately, but they had to have at some point in the past couple months. It would make sense for it to be her, wouldn’t it? Or could it be Kennedy’s baby? After all, she and Steven slept together all the time. Their entire relationship was sexual! But Steven always made sure to use condoms, and Kennedy was on birth control. It had to be Miranda’s kid, right? Steven thought so. Confident with his decision, he decided to give Miranda a call. “Hello?” she said into the phone. “Hey,” Steven said. “Hey! I was just gonna call you about the news!” Miranda said happily. “That’s what I was calling about! I can’t believe that we’re having a baby! I’m so happy, Manda!” “Having a baby?” “Yeah! I got the package with the pregnancy test you put on my doorstep. That was really cute, babe. I can’t wait to tell my parents.” “What the hell are you talking about? I got the big promotion at work, I’m not pregnant, Steve.” “You’re not?” “No…” “Well, shit,” Steven said. “Yeah, shit,” Miranda agreed.