Saloni Kaul, author and poet, was first published at the age of ten and has stayed in print since. As critic and columnist Saloni has enjoyed forty years of being published. Saloni Kaul's first volume, a fifty poem collection was published in the USA in 2009. Subsequent volumes include Universal One and Essentials All. Most recent Saloni Kaul poetic production has been published in Tipton Poetry Journal, Mad Swirl (contains a Saloni Kaul poetry page, ongoing that is ! ) , FIVE Poetry, The Voices Project, The Penwood Review, Mantid Magazine, Haikuniverse, Blue Pepper, Sentinel Literary Quarterly, Cabildo Quarterly, AJI Magazine, Scarlet Leaf Review, River Poets Journal, Belle Rêve Literary Journal ,Taj Mahal Review, Verbal Art, Poetry Pacific, Ink Sweat And Tears, Military Experience And The Arts and Blueline. Upcoming publication acceptances include The Penwood Review and Scarlet Leaf Review as well as Indiana Voice Journal and Cabildo Quarterly. DAZZLING THE SIEVEHarbour aglitter with moonlight, always full ; Waters glide in scarce caring whence they came; Swept in through inlet by tide’s push and pull , Bay full, yet inflow outflow content seldom the same. Our world-weary minds, garden overrun or trim, Everladen with burdened padding of thought Though gratified, mind be crammed up to the brim, Each thought mind-filtered is uniquely wrought. So with this stuffed world so people-packed dense With full mind thinks, with echoing life rings; In plethoric state, transient each lively presence , Each crowded life that to it radiance brings. Scintillating moonlight playful dances in a sieve, One that’s reluctant to trap, happy to release, give. SPECTACLE IN TRANSCIENCE, ALL EXULTStretched lazily across, it shows up in the sky So like a long forgotten loved one dear At your doorstep leaning against the woodframe high Startles the eye, the heart with unexpected image clear. Out of a blurry blue that merrily bobs All the birdsong-filled day that chirping-tweeting turns Shingling colours dressed, top space it sudden mobs Like an arched wing that ready flight soon yearns. The fleeting showers-swept land that upward looks In darkening changing blue then sees now shade now gold The radiance stunning as enlightening books, Alone up there, sheer beauty its own holds. Spectacle in transcience, all those enwreathed hues, In silence you and I breathe in its transported new. A sensational display in transcience, all exult ; As hastily you and I that rainbow consult. STAY WITHIN LIMITS When calculated pleas, cajoling timed by clock , Painstakingly all fervent rend the air , All grinding gnashing rough like sound of boats that dock, Demands all over and above what’s morally right, fair ; Then like a lonely fulmar by that cradle rock Emits its sharp insidious warning stench ; At sound of harsh whip in rusticity, flocked auks Shrill whistling fly off their display on arboured bench; Those warnings almost evenly levelled at targets , Rank-conscious like high order at consistory, Advice wellmeaning they mean to warn us; lest we forget , Stay well within your own marked territory. When in the right, be you young or old , shout ! On shaky grounds give elders benefit of your doubt. WHITE AMERICAN PELICANLarge white wings deepdipped thresh the water by the clock
In churning fan motion repeats tot up highscore , Like sheep dogs round up at day’s end the flock , Like gold panners pan rivulets for shining ore ; Steering preys unsuspecting towards sands coral. Wings block the way, so with the flow they go without a care From safe swirl world of deep dark sea to shallower littorals One by one, then more, to where waters almost meet the air , And visible’s transparent mantle blue, Invisible to them the large white bird wing hid like gem , Freshwater lifestyle of which they haven’t a clue, That’s flown a hundred miles to feed on them. To dive for food is much below its dignity , In style it scoops up fish like diplomatic immunity.