Daginne Aignend is a pseudonym for the Dutch poetess Inge Wesdijk. She likes hard rock music, photography and fantasy books. She is a vegetarian and spends a lot of time with her animals. Daginne started to write English poetry four years ago and posted some of her poems on her Facebook page and on her website. She has been published in some online Poetry Review Magazines with a pending publication at the Contemporary Poet's Group anthology 'Dandelion in a Vase of Roses'. Yesterday's news Apathetically watching the news Numbed by all the violence and misery in the world Conditioned dismay, a replica of yesterday's items 'Heath Ledger died today at the age of 28 years' Shocked, devastated My Heath left this earthly mire His impersonation of the homosexual cowboy in Brokeback mountain broke all my boundaries I never saw such a rough and still tender love before Someone who can touch others that deep by playing sentiments needs to be idolized I mourned, saw his movies and left it all behind Yesterday's news
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