![]() Joe Albanese is a writer from New Jersey. His poetry can be found in recent or forthcoming issues of Chronogram, Evening Street Review, Poetry Salzburg Review, The Projectionist's Playground, Straylight Magazine, and other publications. Joe's novel Caina (Mockingbird Lane Press) and his novella Smash and Grab (Books to Go Now) were both published in 2018. Passerby and ByShe inhales from the east coast and exhales smoke to the west If this ghost should find her, she’ll simply let it float away He’s a masochistic preacher, attempting to find meaning in nonsense Always trying to hold on to what already flowed away They’re sleeping on tracks with the train in sight, just unsure which direction it travels Feeling its rattle is proof of life A palm face-up twitches closed with a single drop of rain — how much can it hold? We lose more with a tight squeeze, and always drown in what first stirred us alive The winds of treason brought them here, now each blow is a pull apart. There is no need to force, they let it float away The train rattles where it comes from, to. He inhales her trail of smoke from a passenger’s cracked window, but long ago knew they already flowed away. Dream Girl |