![]() John (“Jake”) Cosmos Aller is a novelist, poet, and former Foreign Service officer having served 27 years with the U.S. State Department serving in ten countries (Korea, Thailand, India, the Eastern Caribbean (Antigua, Barbados, Dominica, Grenada, St Kitts, St Lucia, and St Vincent) and Spain. Prior to joining the U.S. State Department, Jake taught overseas for eight years. Jake served in the Peace Corps in Korea. He grew up in Berkeley but has lived in Seattle, Stockton, Washington DC, Alexandria, Virginia and Medford, Oregon. He has traveled to over 45 countries and 49 states. He has been writing poetry, fiction, and novels for years. He has completed four SF novels and is seeking publication. His work has appeared in numerous literary magazines online. His poetry blog can be found at https://theworldaccordingtocosmos.com Buddha Cat of Edsall RoadI had another encounter With the divine recently Another Cosmic cat perhaps Perhaps not who knows what cats are are they alien from another dimension or was he channeling God ? I call him the Buddha cat For the cat loves Sitting in a meditative pose Not moving Just starting at me With his soulful deep eyes Boring into my soul exploring all my secret thoughts the buddha cat does not move does not react as he is so deep into his interior mediation truly in tune with the cat universe and the cosmos as well the buddha cat seems to be one with God one with Buddha One with Allah And all the other Billion names of God Known and unknown The buddha cat Can teach us all About the art of meditation As he zones inward And loses his soul Joining the cosmos And becoming The buddha cat The buddha cat Lives in a modest Town house In a modest suburb Proving yet again The divine spirit of God Is everywhere all around us The buddha cat Reminds us all To look for god In the everyday All around us If we but have eyes To see President Trump Your Words Don’t Make Any Sense Anymore President Trump Your words don’t make any sense Any more As they are increasingly devoid of meaning Often every word out of your corrupted mouth Is the exact opposite of the accepted meaning Of that word or phrase Just one example You were accused Of trying to hide the name Mc Caine From the ship bearing that name So that you would not be confronted With the hated name Mc Cain On your trip to Japan If you had the chance I am sure You would engage In the soviet era practice Of removing people from historical records And Mc Caine all references to the Senator And his admiral father Would be forbidden from being used Seen or remembered But you could not even do that As your evil foul deed Came to light In a memo Written by an underling Rather than admitting the truth You gave us a world salad Filled with unhinged words Lumped together President Donald Trump insisted Thursday he had nothing to do with keeping the USS John S. McCain hidden from the site of his weekend speech He said whoever had done so was “well-meaning.” “I wasn’t involved. I would not have done that. I was very angry with John McCain because he killed health care,” Trump said, referring to the late senator’s deciding vote that killed a Senate GOP bill to repeal the Affordable Care Act. “I was not a big fan of John McCain in any way, shape or form,” Trump continued in comments to reporters “Now, somebody did it because they thought I didn’t like him, OK? And they were well-meaning. I will say, I didn’t know anything about it. I would never have done that.” Almost every word in your statement Has been verified to be a lie And your statement That whoever did it Was well meaning Contradicts “Well meaning” For no one “well meaning” Could have even contemplated Such an act of monstrous profound disrespect For three war heroes Senator MC Caine tortured in Vietnam For five years His Admiral father And his admiral grandfather In no way could these actions Be described as “well meaning” As they were profoundly mean spirited And how pray tell did John Mc Cain Kill Health Care? By voting to not repeal health care? Without a replacement plan Meaning 15 millions people would lose health care Overnight? That is how he killed heath care? It seems to me that the only Accurate word would be That he saved health care From being destroyed forever And how did you not know Anything about this? Why did someone in your team Come up with this bizaro plan Straight out of the Soviet era playbook Perhaps President Putin advised you How to disappear people from official photos? And official memory as well? All these words No longer mean what they used to mean Now they mean what they mean in a Trumpian bizaro world As our mad prophet King Chases the rabbit Down the rabbit hole Into the land of wonderland Where he hopes to rule us forever Screaming off with their heads As he cuts words up Into meaningless drabble Where all words Become unhinged lost words In a cosmic word salad Where they lose their meaning And their mooring to reality Found Poem Version President Donald Trump insisted Thursday he had nothing to do with keeping the USS John S. McCain hidden from the site of his weekend speech in Japan. He said whoever had done so was “well-meaning.” “I wasn’t involved. I would not have done that. I was very angry with John McCain because he killed health care,” Trump said, referring to the late senator’s deciding vote that killed a Senate GOP bill to repeal the Affordable Care Act. “I was not a big fan of John McCain in any way, shape or form,” Trump continued in comments to reporters on the South Lawn of the White House. “Now, somebody did it because they thought I didn’t like him, OK? And they were well-meaning. I will say, I didn’t know anything about it. I would never have done that.” Trump’s second denial came after The Wall Street Journal reported Wednesday that the White House wanted the Navy to move the destroyer “out of sight,” citing an email between military officials. The ship is named for the late Arizona senator and his father and grandfather, who were admirals. Trump initially denied any knowledge of the effort in a tweet Wednesday night. But an email to Navy and Air Force officials, obtained by CNBC, had a number of directives, including: “USS John McCain needs to be out of sight,” and asking officials to “please confirm” that directive “will be satisfied.” A source with knowledge of the matter confirmed to CNBC the existence of that email. The Journal said a tarp was hung over the ship’s name ahead of Trump’s trip and that sailors were directed to remove coverings from the destroyer that bore the McCain name. The newspaper also said sailors assigned to the ship, who generally wear caps bearing its name, were given the day off during Trump’s visit to the nearby USS Wasp. Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan later told reporters, “I would never dishonor the memory of a great American patriot like Sen. John McCain” by asking that the ship be kept out of sight. “I’d never disrespect the young men and women that crew that ship. I’ve asked my chief of staff to look into the matter ... and as soon as I find out more about this I’ll let you know,” he added. Note: Please do so and let us know who gave the order And whether this order was carried out And if so, under who’s authority?? Inquiring minds want to know https://www.cnbc.com/2019/05/30/trump-whoever-kept-uss-john-mccain-out-of-sight-was-well-meaning.html Virginia Beach Massacre Never Again Ever |
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