LITTLE WORLD CHAOSruby slippers twinkling ‘neath dewy-eyed sweetie-pies race to the big top to face grand master’s three rings where lions and tigers and bears — oh my take to the sky and tumble off trampolines but who sees? since nary a soul goes to the flea bag show and alift in his lofty balloon ringmaster can’t spot man in the moon ‘hind the green cheese curtain lurking with slippery whispers “lady alice apples my pretties, pretty please?” poison so sweet before bitter the curtain molds in all its folds and dish scores the cores while the rubies flee in search of clever mad hatter soon cheshire cat bounds with silver spoon but the hole isn’t found where the rubies fell thru their heels click two—by two —by two begging to go ‘til mirror says no, simply no room in the inn where your ringmaster’s been pretties please unearth your inner peace here in our chaotic race to hearty queen’s tea party dinner and the grand prize goes to the winner which shan’t ever be you — or you — or you LOVE CHILD’36 the year of gone with the wind a scarlet moment a tiny seed and maude became a sacred broken strand lux laundry soap and big diaper pins rolled down bobby socks and rolled up sleeves one retracted promise of another’s design life was love and love was fined from a robin’s egg roadking in her own scarlet show she was no more ’44 the year of war gardens maude became again some elsewhere and mother died here inside legions of days she tilled and teared she finally gave up, went on 2001 the year of mr. tito’s visit beyond RIGHT?Doors shut on the army green pick-up he shifts into gear as he slides his free hand on her leg four inches too high but little girls know what’s right until they’re told they didn’t know what’s wrong all along. HUSH, HUSHwhy? he was titillating shrewd and hoary playful, droll, like her and not like her downy sweet swooned by that haggardy old tune feathers caught in a bough of the hemlock tree heart flitting like hummingbird wings did he see? tugging at bangs that curled too much tiny toe tips, endlessly scuffed petrified eyes as he came — again — — again — — again -- why didn’t daddy stop it? hush, hush little girl we don’t mention those things BULLYwent back to a place that shaped me
can’t see the house for the trees memories rusted in my yard i kick one by my rotted tire swing its rope overhead hangs still unholy frayed my mind unearths the scattering that day squealing girls race to my tree like insects flee their predator my fence rattles my mind pushes against the chain-links he straddles unnerved i wield my threat like a bayonet ‘don’t do it’ a soft boy with something to prove jumps to enemy soil i strike like a garter snake coiled i was the hero that day and he went away i moved on grander yard stealthier schemes he faced his fear loosed my tire to my fallow ground and ended his war while he swung from my tree
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