Feather McFlood was born and raised in Washington and developed a love of the arts in middle school. After trying drawing, painting, pottery, music and acting, she fell in love with writing. Feather started writing her first story when she was 14 and hopes to continue to share her aspirations and troubles through stories and poems. LostI believe true love has been lost. The reason for love, is too, lost. I just want to be rescued, But my knight in shining armour is lost. In this jungle of a world, Dazed, confused, undaunted, yet, still lost. I see the couple in the corner booth, In each other’s eyes, lost. In minutes, in seconds, The deep connection they share is lost. How can it be so easily That love can be found, then lost? Everyone calls their love a good thing, But when they get hurt, haven’t they still lost? Everyone searches for that one person With whom they can run away with and get lost. I just want to find the person Who will never let me get lost. Falling in LoveI saw you from across the room And immediately, I fell in love with you. Your smiling, puppy – dog eyes Growing brighter when you laugh And immediately, I fell in love with you. Every fiber in your being Grows brighter when you laugh Pulling me in, like a moth to a flame. Every fiber of your being Makes me love you more, Pulling me in, like a moth to a flame Ha! And I don’t even know your name. I don’t know your name But I saw you from across the room And I fall in love with you more Every time my eyes meet yours. The Effects of WarThe air shifts around me. The ground shakes below From the multiple blows Launched from the enemy. All around destruction reigns, My world is falling apart No time to recover, No time to act. I can only stand there, “Take it like a man” ‘Cause I’m an adult, And should be able to handle it. But the blows keep coming, Pulling me into despair, Ruining my life, With no one left to care. There’s no cover left So here I stand Waiting for the killing blow But what fun would that be? They drag it out, Enjoying my pain Revealing in this destruction, Controlling all and giving up nothing. Just Another OneWings whisper wordlessly As feathers brush together. A lullaby to me, A call for fear to others. I sigh as I am pulled, By unseen hands with an unseen force, Another soul to reap, Another life to claim. There are benefits to this Job I call my life. The wings for one, The darkness for another. But what I will never Be able to get over Is the sound of a dying breath, As a soul gets released. The feeling of taking Someone from their loved ones, Knowing they will never Be reunited. Day after day, Night after night, I haunt these streets And claim all the deceased. How I long for the days, Before my own visit with Death. When I could talk to a person, Without them screaming off their heads. But I made my pact, Reap souls I will, ‘Till another offers to take my place, Six hundred seventy-two years And counting. No one is fool enough To brave a talk with Death To take up this scythe With their dying breath. Shades of Pain |