Lone FolkieThere is a squat/stout duffer in a windbreaker and a Mets cap on the outskirts of the park playing a rickety 5 string and hoot'in and holler'in. I have no idea what he is singing. There is no discernible melody. Every now and then he stops/ freezes/ puts his forefinger in the air to take some sort of measure before plunging back into his flailing guitar. After another stuttering burst he will stop/ then let loose with an elongated cry to the sky/ punk operatic/ style nobody seems to stop/and listen/he does not have a container for contributions and probably would not get much trade/ he is playing/for his own/self/and that is / enough It's/utterly senseless/ wholly out of key. Beyond the realm of anything/ resembling cohesive musicality /rambunctiously obtuse yet imbued with an innocence that casts proficient excellence into a pallid light. His songs/ performance/ like life/ a messy and inconclusive/ thing/ You can have/ your polished practice and Carnegie aspirations/ and make of that an evening/ with class but I like the way this codger lets her rip/ this ragged chanteur/ airs it out/ no class/ no talent/ but lotsa / style its the besthe was pouring at the happening and usually there is a fair amount of disdain for the enthusiasts who like to sidle up to sample the snacks, libations and what have you goodies. he was a wisp of fair blond - a hippy kid. he asked me if I would like him to crack my can of brew I told him that this was not necessary I looked at some stuff and listened to some other stuff trying to maintain a bit of elbow room while the crowds swirled and yammered biding some time before refill and then I went back for another and he cracked this one for me and said "cheers" I drank it down and went for a walk down the street I did not want to appear to be too gluttonous so I gave it some minutes when I resurfaced in the crowded room and foraged thru the groups back to my man he smiled and said "I grabbed this one at the bottom so that its chilled and now it needs to be shotgunned". I laughed and retorted with double thumbs up Impressed that this cat accurately assessed my quench and provided a responsive and congenial atmosphere in one that can be rather unpleasant and clannish my man had it and I salute him for it the damn hippy dippy had it kindness Gone on Automatic and Ride the SurfaceI find that the fine art of communique is in some significant straits Well was it ever not weird to be alive? But here in the 21st... Now THIS is ridiculous I'll layer in some specifics I recently had a conversation with a fella I have known for some time At various temporary jobs Well it is summertime and a heat wave has been on And he asked me if I had an a/c I sort of look forward to this annual exchange because you know the weather is a steady and reliable topic and the guy asks me this every year (I always tell him that I do but always withhold the fact that I am too thrifty to use it). I mean setting aside the possibility that I'm not particularly memorable (I submit this option with some reluctance) I'm going to go forward with a pooh on that theory I mean I know that he does (have one) and I also know he gets pest control service occasionally Well I mean I have these conversations and it seems that life information is consistently being asked and repeated This Lack of a simple listen This Consistent overlap of talk all a tangled This Evident preference of tongue over ear I have known some of these people for years and they are more than colleagues (a few anyway). but less than friends And it isn't an age thing its presence has crossover This Repetitive exchange This Telling the same stories There is minimal recollection and its perchance due to a liberal scattering of informational seeds all about and anon (but the roots don't wanna dig or hang) and also a minimizing of any genuine specificity in regards to a more resonant connectivity with fellow beings whilst we while our time away on the planet I dunno History has given us many ideas over its due course but I got nothing Well I mean Henry David already suggested simplifying (christ he probably said it ad nauseum) I'm just Wondering what the hell happened Put In place Out of placeI have been shut down occasionally vis a vis my mutterances on the street corner and while attempting movement on the frenetic city sidewalks I like to do it in order to sort of clear a path and in order to facilitate and free up navigation- at times I'll say "I gotta do a little bit a that swivel and swerve" - or as I zig and zag out a maneuver - " just the slip n slide" whilst moving and weaving thru the throngs Other times I'll emit a bit of a shriek Or Announce constructive critiques regarding their aptitude for city walking like "Another dolt - doing the diagonal "! - admonishing the herd - "I am begging for mercy "! "good heavens - cease and disperse the cluster "! Their compass clearly needing alignment (my god do they drive like this?) - Must make sure that shit is correct! I am trying to move freely goddamnit! "I gotta circumnavigate stone agony"! ... "Becomes imperative "!! Perhaps I'll be clogged by a stroller "Nightmare in perpetuity "! A Yammerer on the phone AND a stroller- "You know they're out to torture"!! Then there are the odd times in which I need to be schooled - One time I was loudly griping about a construction obstruction (it is all over and everywhere) and a yob kinda bloke said " its NY - Stop complaining" ... I readily complied Another time I was wading through a crowd announcing "I know my babies ain't shy" whereof a charming lass turned to me and demurred "How do you know I'm not shy?" I fluttered - gurgled some kind of Non-sequiter before feathering and loping off. Well perhaps I'm not a confrontational sort but there you have it just trying...trying to move along. Politicking Sickeningall this blather blah blather about change
It goes round and round and what? Me too! I want to be part of the class! With the full allowance to make an ass! Me too! I want in on the school! With the total support and permission to play the fool! We the peep sheep insist on the seed to breed the need for the freedom to feed the greed. what's yer preference and who ya with? whatttaya hear whattaya say whattaya got?! lib? conservative? reform? revolutionary? warm shit? cold shit? what s the story? don't take it with a sit. what's your bit. cold shit? warm shit? just so your all and part of them what's yer mission? a bougie assassin? an emblem and participant in congregating fashion? yippie? hippie? who's yer choice what's yer voice they had their scenes they done their things just check out the escalating price of jeans round blather blather round who do you align left? right? nah, I'll follow my own sign seek the beat an tune of my own signature time You can have your damn sides and teams i'll go left right center down up or wherever i do insist on following the lark and whimsy of my own personal dreams all of this group say proselytize and winge inspiring myself to turn away turn away to marshall my own single troop take the arches, conduct the individual jam flow with my own tide outside and gather as much distance as possible man yeah hitch my own ride - - - out -- yeah man out beyond the fringe i mean what the ..?? lissen an lookatimall! What a clusterfuck of ambition I refuse the choose these talking heads talk on and the spiel remains substantively thin the goal is I beat you that's the deal but to lose is to win to win is to lose bah for me ... nah I think the road I'll roam is an acquantanceship with self i don't want the blather crowd i'd rather tune'em out all that kinda shout when you live within... you can do.. without